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1861 Wedns Feb 6th

Morning while the deck of the "George Henry" was covered with fresh fallen snow.  Tho' great 'Hunts' were kept up by numerous parties - including Capt. B. with his Microscopic & Telescopic eyes - yet my Key could not be found;  therefore my various attempts to 'Bush' a Watch Key!  This Morning with a 6 inch 3 cornered file & a piece of Brass obtained of Ugarny - & a portion of Tuk-too horn of one of my dog-harnesses brought from Holsteinsborg, Greenland - with a drill & bow belonging also to Ugarny (Ebierbing performing the work of drilling) I succeeded in accomplishing a [[underlined]] successfully working instrument [[/underlined]] for winding up my Watch, tho' the [[underlined]] Cooks [[/underlined]] of the article would condemn its very "Entrance" if placed before a Committee of any Mechanical Fair of the States!  The great trouble has not been to find "Watch-Keys" - for I found many a man of the vessel possessing one or more - & many an Innuit Woman having them strung as ornaments to their necks - but to find one with tube small enough to fit the very small winding part of my Watch.  Even in the States among the Watch Makers, I found trouble to get Keys that were diminunitive enough to fit.  Should I have hoped to find one here?

I have now a Key fitted to my Watch - the delicate work having been performed away up here

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1861 Wedns. Feb 6th

in a Snow House!  Who Knows but I could make a Watch beneath the same dome?

Early this morning, before I or any one of us was up, Angeko visited our Igloo.  He got a portion of what he wanted - got a moderate Innuit drink of water - wh. means 2 quarts!  He hardly took a 2d breathing while pouring this down.  Like the Camels that are used to traverse the Great African Desert, he took in a supply for days to come!

When we were up we found that Angeko with his 2 better halves had departed - had really gone to Kow-tuk-ju-a!  Whether to [[underlined]] starve, [[/underlined]] or [[underlined]] try [[/underlined]] & do something toward the direct support of his wives is yet to be determined.  A very few days will find them back here [[underlined]] to devour, [[/underlined]] I suppose, whatever may have been acquired in their absence, at least what may be on hand when they get among our generous friends.

I was in at Ugarny's this Eve - His Ook-sook & provision are already gone - now dependant upon Ebierbing & Tukoolitoo.  They have but a trifle left.

Yesterday I felt Seal-hungry.  While Angeko got a full Innuit stomach, I got a bone to pick! & a bit of Blood Soup!!  I was astounded at the morsel rationed to me as I am giving over 2/3ds of my limited supply