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1861 Feb 9th Saturday

service is required of them unless it be to drag the Seal Home is so successful as to harpoon one!  The dogs are sent home in harness the same having been done up so that they cannot eat any part of it as their voracious stomachs are always crying out:  Anything wanted here that [[underlined]] is, [[/underlined]] or [[underlined]] looks like leather! [[/underlined]]

This eve Tuk-oo-li-too desired to know if I intended to visit at Ugarny's to-night?  I replied I had not thought of it.  She said that as Ugarny & Ebierbing were about starting out the former desired that I would call in see Menoun - his infant wh. had been troublesome all day.  This was an indirect hint for me to give his family something to eat for they all really need it.  I told Tuk-oo-li-too I thought I should not visit there on reflection to-night.  She then told me confidentially that Ugarny had bread given him by Capt B. from the G.H., when he was there this week but that he (U) was dealing it all out to Kunnia wife No2 now in the "Monthly Igloo" - & that Polly the wife No3 & the infant did not get any.

[[symbol: Cross]] + [[Sunday]] Feb. 10th 1861
32d Night in an Igloo!

This Morning fine!  I took an early walk out on the Bay-ice.  I rejoiced to find that the Gale has packed the snow into [[underlined]] solid [[/underlined]] masses.  Now good walking & sledging - [[underlined]] Capital! [[/underlined]]  With a team of dogs well conditioned can reach the Vessel in less than a day.  I can now make some progress in mapping the coast from a point I have determined on (Easterly) down to "Rescue Bay" providing the weather is not too cold for instruments.

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+ [[Sunday]] Feb 10 1861

Ebierbing with his dogs started out at VIII this Morn Sealing.  Jack ([[space]]) soon followed.

Ugarny returned about 1 PM having remained over his seal-hole since yesterday 3 1/2 O'Clock P.M.  He was not rewarded by even hearing a Seal Ruff!  He came into our Igloo at PM for Ebierbing's seal dog, "Smile", wh. returned an hour before.  

Ugarny started out again at 2.  Ebierbing, of course has been successful in finding a Seal-hole over wh. he will remain till he either catches a Seal or has consumed a reasonable length of time in making a trial.

Jack ([[space]]) returned from Sealing a little after Noon, unsuccessful.  As before said he seems not a persevering Sealer.

Yesterday I had a good eating off of Whale Beef - frozen [[underlined]] Krang! [[/underlined]]  This was brought from Kow-tuk-ju-a by Ugarny & Ebierbing in their late visit there.  I can go anything the Innuits can.

To-day Tuk-oo-li-to gave away 1/2 of the Seal Blood which she had on hand & that was just what we in our Igloo [[underlined]] really needed. [[/underlined]]  I gave her a good talking to "for the injustice her good heart made her meet out to herself Ebierbing & myself.  I told her she ought to feel for those at Home who were suffering for the want of enough to keep soul & body together as well as those around us & not give away all!  I explained to her if she had enough that she could afford to give away what she did, [[underlined]] all right, [[/underlined]] indeed, under ordinary circumstances it was Blessed to give - but under extraordinary circumstances when she was giving away to others [[underlined]] all [[/underlined]] she had without