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1861 Tues. Feb 12

I arrived on West side a few minutes after 12 (Meridian) passed 1/2 mile to the Southward & thence West again penetrating a [[underlined]] small Inlet [[/underlined]] where was grounded quite a respectable sized Iceberg.  I found the mountain to wh. I had directed my course to be an Island mountain - deep cut some 500 feet high having been made by the Maker of All things when he formed the Mountains.

Having accomplished a part of my purpose I returned in as direct a course as I could, numbering & timing my steps that I might approximate the distance Land to Land.  I found that I took 2000 steps every 20 minutes, the whole number being 11,000.  The average distance of each step 2 feet & 2 inches which gives in Nautical miles as the distance land to land 3.9 (Three & Nine tenths) (6086 feet to the mile).  I started at 1/2 past 12 & arrived at 20 minutes past 2, making 110 minutes in the transit of the Bay.  Time agrees with the other calculations.

I found Ebierbing, Ugarny & Jack all at home on my return.  In going out I saw Jack over his seal hole seated in his snow chair.  I say I found Ugarny at Home.  I am mistaken.  He had just left with his wife No2 (Kunnia) for Oo-Kood-lear Island a place some 8 miles North up the Bay where Ebierbing is to go to-morrow with dogs & sledge to meet him.  This is for the object Ugarny & Ebierbing started the other day when they were overtaken by the storm wh. drove them back.

One of Ange Ko's wives came back this P.M. attempting as the object to inform Ebierbing that they had dug down through the Seko (Sea-ice) to the carcass of the Whale & that now there

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1861 Tues. Feb 12th

was plenty for Innuit dogs & all!

To-night the Aurora at in the E. S. & W. is fine! - like former times when at the vessel!
To-day tuk-oo-li-too & Kunnia went out & gathered each a heaping pan of Sea Kelp.  The town has got to live on that vegetable food more or less until more Seals are caught.  I can say however that its eating is not bad - but it seems to me one has got to chew up a cart load to make a spoonful of blood!  Ugarny & Kunnia had to beg some more Ook-sook of E & K ere starting off this PM.  When I returned found a good hot Seal dinner in wait for me.  Flour cakes for supper! & Molasses!

35th Night in an Igloo!
Wednesday Feb 13th 1861

This Morning at IX Ebierbing started off as contemplated last night.
The wind was blowing fresh from the N.W. - the snow evidently flying thick up the Bay.  Ange Ko's wife (Mum-ma-na-ping) accompanied him.  He stops at Kou-tuk-ju-a to give the poor dogs a good "feed" on the Whale.  He will probably arrive there at noon & soon after will proceede across to the indicated Island where our party are in great hopes of shooting some Seal open water being there during every winter.

Polly has sent in for more Seal today!  She got it!  My breakfast was what Seal's fore flipper (hand I may call it) [[underlined]] skin & hair on! [[/underlined]] & a small piece of Seal's lung!  With Blood Soup!