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[[symbol: cross]] [[Sunday]] March 3d 1861

The predictions (Vide record yesterday) from the state of the weather last night, are verified - A gale from the N.E. accompanied with snow has prevailed during the most of the day.

This morning we had fresh fried seal for breakfast - of one captured by Miner ([[space]]) during last night.  He seems a persevering Sealer though the encouragement is very inconsiderable here in Rescue Bay.  Kneu-gum-mi-uke (Rescue Bay & regions about it) is notorious among the Innuits as destitue of game Seal &c &c.
The weather is such that all hands are in to-day.  Capt. B. is awaiting the return of "Sharkey" from Budington Bay with the 5 dogs of his which he loaned him.  It is now 1 week that S. has been gone.  He should have been back in 3 or 4 days.  Soon as he returns, Capt. B. contemplates taking a trip by means of dogs & sledge over to Frobisher Bay in the same route we took with the "Rescue" last Fall.
At IV O' P.M., considerable excitement prevailed among us by the announcement wh. Smith made as he came down into the Cabin that "Sharkey" had arrived!  Capt. B. myself & all "aft," including the Steward, rushed to the deck - thence to the gang-way & down the ice steps leading to the

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1861 [[symbol: cross]] [[Sunday]] Mar 3d 

Sea - ice, thence a few rods to the little village of Igloos (5) a-stern of the "George Henry"!  We soon found the parties of the New arrival to be "Charley" ([[space]]) "Johnny Bull" (Chimercachu) & his nuliana "Nance" (Kok-er-zhun) just in from Frobisher Bay settlement.  They brought with them numerous pieces of Walrus & Ok-juke Beef (as well as some of the liver of each) with wh. they generously supplied to some of the men.  They report that all Innuits over there are living well - having plenty for the present.  Many Walrus are seen, but great difficulty is experienced in capturing them, owing to the broken character of the ice.  The natives are hoping some S. or S.E. winds there, when their present difficulties to a great degree will be lessened.  The 2 women Innuits (who in yesterday's record it will be seen started yesterday Morning) arrived there before night.

Chimerachu & Kokerzhun visited us this eve - & were apparently very glad to see me, as indeed was I them.  They contemplate returning to-morrow, if [[underlined]] fair [[/underlined]], though the indications now are (IX Eve) that the gale or storm, now sweeping over & around us, will continue through the night & another day.

I may conclude to accompany these parties (C & K) on their return.  They have a capital Kim-mi-ti & 5 good dogs.  My absence from the vessel might be [[underlined]] one [[/underlined]] or perhaps 2 weeks duration.  To-morrow will determine whether I shall now or hereafter make this trip.

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