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1861 Mon. Mar. 4

 "Barbekark" is now the subject of frequent and continual conversation among the whole of the ship's company.  I intend to send this dog home by Capt. B. on his return next November. 

Sharkey intends returning day after to-morrow.  The weather to-day has been inclement.  The whole sky being covered with an impervious cloud.  Eve stars. - I was surprised going on deck at VIII & finding a shower of fine snow falling, though all clear overhead!
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- | AM | M | P.M | PM
Ther. | -18° | +12 | VII-20° | IX-23°
Wind N.W. Light - (Fair)
Wednesday, Mar. 6th 1861

The day opened fair, wind N.W. 
For breakfast, Venison Steak - [[underlined]] delightful! [[/underlined]]  "Barbekark" shall not be forgotten.  He seems more interesting than ever.  All is "Bar-be-Kark" - "BarbeKark", fore & aft.  If every body in the States thought as well of him as we do, I do'nt know but "Bar-be-Kark" would stand best chance of being next President!

Strange as it may seem, (I speak from experience) notwithstanding the excellence of the Fresh Venison Steaks, [[underlined]] there lurks in the system an unyielding 'hankering' after "Salt-Junk" & Pork! [[/underlined]]  Is'nt it strange!  But, [[underlined]] it is true! [[/underlined]]

Quejesse, my Innuit friend, started out this Morning for a hunt.  He returned at 3 PM with a small Fox, prettily clothed in thick snow white fur.  

The day has been Fair.  The evening is fine - stars shining brightly.  No Aurora to this hour hIX P.M.  This is unusual - Almost uniformly to be seen fair nights.

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"Sharkey" starts for "Budington Bay" to-morrow Morning.  I have a present to send to my friends, Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too - a loaf of "Wheat Bread" - on which they will well recollect as capital eating when I was with them!

Thursday, March 7th 1861

- | AM | M | PM
- | -22°  -2°  -20°
Wind | N.W. | " | "
Wind | Strong | " | "
Weather | Fair | " | "

"Sharkey" started back for "Budington Bay" at IX this Morning accompanied by the one of AngeKo's wives who came down with him.  The present (loaf of "Wheat Bread") was attended to by Capt B. who gave it to Sharkey this Morn bidding him give it to Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too as a present from me.

I took a walk with my "Greenlanders" this P.M. making my direction South.  The wind was blowing strong from N.W.  Ther. standing minus 14° but my native "rig" kept me comfortable.

Across the Bay on the line of mountains trending S. Easterly & N. Westerly, I could see that the snow was flying in clouds.  I have been fitting up an Azimuth Compass which was presented me by [[space]] on Broadway N.Y.  It was never of any value (sale price $2.50).  A good "Azimuth" costs $20. to 25. - being limited in means, of course, could not have all I needed.  But I do wish I had a good Chronometer - a good Azimuth Compass - Theodilite, Barometers & a few other instruments I might name.  I must do the best I can with what I have!  This eve the sky is clear save "a-something" like gauze drawn over