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[[in blue]] ^[[(2]] [[/in blue]]
[[symbol: cross]] 
Mar 17
by evening of same day - but the inclement weather that succeeded [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] their starting out - the gale of the night & next day prevented their [[strikethrough]] depa [[/strikethrough]] return till 12 (Meridian) of Saturday at which hour they started.
John Brown & James Bruce, feeling so much better of their comp^[[l]]aint, got themselves in readiness to return with Que-jes-se & "Charley" ^[[(Koo-per-neu^[[-ung]])]]. While the load of Walrus skins, Walrus meat etc. was [[strikethrough]] were [[/strikethrough]] being lashed [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] to the sledge by the 2 Innuits, Brown & Bruce started on together. They had not proceeded more than 1/2 [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] a mile before Bruce proposed [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] ^[[they should]] return ^[[ [delaying their ^[[journey]] [[strikethrough]] return [[/strikethrough]] to another ^[[day]] ]] as the wind was blowing strong & [[underlined]] cold, [[/underlined]] & the indications of the weather ^[[being [[strikethrough]] w[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ]] otherwise unpropitious. To this proposal Brown disagreed. Bruce [[underlined]] declared they would be frozen before they could reach the vessel: [[/underlined]] & this being his honest conviction, he not only decided to go back to the Igloo they had just left, but strenuously exerted himself to induce Brown ^[[to]] do likewise. The last words of this unfortunate young man to his companion (Bruce) were:
'I'm going on, for, [[underlined]] by God [[/underlined]] I've determined to have my *Duff & *Apple-Sauce at to-morrow's) dinner!'
[[strikethrough]] Brown continued his journey homeward, while Bruce returned to Bob's meeting on his way the sledge from which he took his sleeping blankets. [[right margin numbers 1, 2, and 3 encircled]] [[/strikethrough]]
[[line with loops across page]]
* Sunday ([[symbol: cross]]) is "Duff-day" with the forward hands. "Duff" is a favorite dish with them - & so I may say with the officers & all in the steerage. The "Apple-Sauce" referred to in Brown's remark is explained by the fact that dried-Apples are incorporated in the "Duff". 
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[[in blue]] ^[[(3]] [[/in blue]]
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Mar 17
Bruce returned to "Bob's" Igloo taking from the sledge his sleeping blankets.
Brown finally retraced his steps till he met the [[strikethrough]] heavily loaded [[/strikethrough]] sledge [[strikethrough]] nt [[/strikethrough]] party when he joined in, continuing his journey homeward, to the vessel.  The sledge was heavily loaded so that the progress was [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] very slow. Having proceeded some 7 miles, hummocky ice obliged "Charley" & Que-jes-se to leave the greater part of the load. To unladen & make a deposit under piles of ice was a work of time.  Brown was anxious to proceede without the delay requisite to make the [[underlined]] cache. [[/underlined]] He made known his determination.  The two Innuits who forsaw ^[[the]] dangers to which Brown was about to expose himself advised that he should wait for them.  
All that these experienced, storm & cold proof men of the North could say ^[[in warning him,]] did not suffice to cool the ardent, burning spirit of Brown to join as early as possible his ^[[cheer]] companions at the "George Henry".
Seeing that Brown was about to make his departure, Que-jes-se [[strikethrough]] & his [[/strikethrough]] & Charley (Koo-per-nu-ung) persuaded him to take along [[strikethrough]] with him [[/strikethrough]] one of the dogs that it might guide him in the direct route to the ship.  ^[[Quejesse]] Disengaging the single trace from the [[underlined]] "peto", [[/underlined]] the same was passed to Brown's hand. Thus he had a [[strikethrough]] ^[[harnassed]] [[/strikethrough] guide - a [[underlined]] leader ^[[in harness,]] whose instinct was truer than any man with all his boasted intelligence [[/underlined]] But this dog Brown exchanged for - a younger one, unused to the route. With heart bounding [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] with hopeful throbbing, that he would soon be among his [[underlined]] "Home" [[/underlined]] companions - that he would soon be participating in 

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed Edited to remove superfluous spaces between sentences and paragraphs and to denote inserts and some omitted strikethroughs, denote blue pencil entries