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1861 Mon Mar 11

across the "azure deep", breaking forth [[strikethrough]] now & [[/strikethrough]] anon, into [[underlined]] floods [[/underlined]] of Wonderous glory.
God made His wonderful Work of to-night [[underlined]] to be remembered! [[/underlined]]

I have witnessed many displays of the Aurora since making anchorage in this harbor ([[space]]) - a great share of them far exceeding any thing in magnificence, [[strikethrough]] & [[/strikethrough]] beauty & rapidity of changes [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] I ever saw otherwhere - but what I have beheld to-night - a few moments ago - [[underlined]] crowns All! [[/underlined]]

I never expected to see what I have just seen. [[underlined]] I never expect to see the same or the like again [[/underlined]] tho' I should live a hundred years.  I was not alone in my enjoyment of this [[underlined]] one's Life-sight; [[/underlined]] for Capt. Budington & Mate Gardiner were with me.  All the other officers & men had retired. 

Must record [[underlined]] the facts [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] preceeding this phenomenon to wh. I refer, - also, some incidents attending it.  As to writing a [[underlined]] true description [[/underlined]] of the appearance of it: [[underlined]] No Mortal hand can do it! [[/underlined]]

The day has been [[underlined]] fair, [[/underlined]] the wind blowing moderately & mostly from the N.W.
When the sun went down behind the

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1861 Mon Mar 11

ridge of mountains that limits the S. Western shore of "Rescue Bay", a perfect calm commenced wh. [[strikethrough]] has yet [[/strikethrough]] still continues.  Tho' the AM was slightly cloudy, the P.M. & eve have been "clear as a bell".  I should here incorporate this exception:
Capt B. informs me that while standing on deck (4 o'clock PM) his attention was attracted to the North by a small peculiar cloud that hung in the heavens some 15[[degree symbol]] above the horizon.  It was the [[underlined]] only [[/underlined]] cloud - otherwise the sky was [[underlined]] perfectly clear. [[/underlined]]  This cloud was [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] deep - dark blue, looking, in form, like the Capital letter S

Several times during the evening, I went upon deck, on the object of seeing the Aurora, expecting, [[underlined]] without doubt, [[/underlined]] its appearance.  As oft as I went, I was disappointed in not seeing the slightest ray or beam.  The air was never purer - clearer.  The stars shone with greater brilliancy, it seemed to me, than I even witnessed before.  It was the general remark during the evening, with every one: 'How fine this Night is! How still - & beautiful, it is! - Did you ever see the like?'

My last visit was a few minutes after IX.  For the second time in engaging in any plays [[strikethrough]] of the kind [[/strikethrough]] of the kind since leaving the States, I participated in a game at "Dominoes" with the officers of the G.H. till near X, when I turned in.  I had donned everything in way of dress - & was in the act of putting on my long 'white-robe" - my [[?classed]], Night shirt - when the quickly spoken words of Capt. B, who had just come from deck, bid me: [[underlined]] 'Come above Hall at once, the World is on fire! [[/underlined]] 

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