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1861 Wedns Mar 20

decided the matter in the affirmative by taking my rifle this P.M. & accomplishing it.  Another question decided affirmatively - positively beyond all doubts.  Can a rifle Ball be shot through both sides of a tin cup filled with water?  (The cup of tin & to hold a pint or qt. of water.)  It has been said that could not be done.

The Aurora tonight - in the South.  Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too are stopping with me to-night.  Have cheerfully given them my bed.  Each sea chest of the Main Cabin as I write holds a sleeping Innuit.  I should make the exception of the one on wh. I am seated as I pen these lines.  I have held on to this for myself the Frobisher Bay natives "taking the floor", not exactly Congress fashion!

Que-jes-se built him an Igloo today in the midst of the little village astern of the G.H.

"Felora", one of the "Greenland" dogs, was shot to-day.  This dog belonged to the "George Henry".  "Felora" was too much of the [[underlined]] lady [[/underlined]] (?) to work.  As soon as a harness was placed upon her she would glide gently down upon her side, rolling up & looking in your face as if to say:  'I am a [[underlined]] lady [[/underlined]] dog - I can'nt work.  Surely you will not whip me for I am a favorite with everybody!  Capt. B shot her through the head, killing the dear creature instantly.

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Thursday, March 21st 1861

AM  Ther  -26  Wind N.W. Modt  Cloudy
M " [[ditto for: Ther]]  +5  " [[ditto for: Wind]] N W " " [[dittos for: Modt Cloudy]]
PM " [[ditto for: Ther]]  -16  " [[ditto for: Wind]] N W " " [[dittos for: Modt Cloudy]]

This Morning early (5 O'Clk) Lamb with 2 Innuits, Que-jes-se & "Charley" started for Frobisher Bay or near that water with dogs & sledge for the purpose of continuing transporting casks over there for the Spring Whale Fishing.

Sharkey at 10 O'Clock A.M. started with dogs & sledge (Ebierbing's & Ugarny's) for "Frobisher Bay" his object being to get Walrus & ascertain the prospects of the supply.

At same hour the parties (Cev-uk-koo & boys) who came over yesterday started back.  Bruce (the former companion of the deceased John) who desires to continue his fresh meat living returned with them.  He took along only 6 Cakes of hard-bread, thus showing that he intends to live Innuit life as near as possible.  Ebierbing, Tuk-oo-li-too, Ugarny, Kunia & Ookoodlear remain here until after Sharkey's return which is expected sometime to-morrow.

At IX this Eve, Lamb & party returned.  They landed one Cask on the Isthmus we visited last Fall with "Rescue".  Lamb says that the ice in Frobisher Bay makes out some 4 or 4 1/2 miles - beyond is open water.  No Bergs to be seen.  It is not determined that only one load can be carried over there in one day.  Where the "Rescue" entered into Bay from Rescue Bay, ice of a very rough character exists.  So where she made her exit.  The only passage from R. Bay to said Bay by sledges is a short distance across some low land.