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1861 [[symbol: cross]] Mar 24 

Sun's Altitude 2)57°-5'-00"
[[short line]]
28° - 32' - 30"
[[Sun symbol]]'s Semi Diam 16' - 4"
Parallax 8" = 16 - 12
[[short line]]
28 - 48 - 42
Refraction ------ 1 - 44
[[short line]]
28 - 46 - 58
P.D. 61 - [[strikethrough]] 2 [[/strikethrough]] 13 - 02
{Mar 24/61
{ Declination N. 1° - 31 - 57 [[?]] 1° 36 - 12
{ = 4 - 15
[[two short lines]
Increase Dif Long from Greenwich } = 62° - 49 - 14
Latitude of this day's observation }
{Latitude as determined by series of observation Last Fall } = 62° - 51' - 05"
[[short line]]
1' - 51"
Dif - one mile & 51/60 - 
[[strikethrough]] Less [[?]] miles than [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]

The Wind during the most of this day N.W. - At VI the heavens became thick - wind whipped around into N.E. & at this hour (Eve VIII) promises a Gale.

"Charley" (the Innuit) has been out hunting for Seal-Igloos since morning.  He just returned saying that he found several, but the foxes were ahead of him.  Therefore no reward for his day's labor.

My 2 "Job Comforters" are troubling me much - making me feel anybody but myself.  I can find rest - comfort - no where for my suffering body except as I dive into my readings & studies with increased love & interest for them.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Monday Mar. 25th 1861

AM -10[[degree symbol]] Storm from N.E. Snow
M -4

A Gale, I should say [[underlined]] Hurricane [[/underlined]] is now sweeping over us (the hour I write this, one o'clock P.M.) [[underlined]] It is furious [[/underlined]] - The air is filled with snow - hardly an arm's length from you, can you discern anything.

The wind increased to a Gale by IX last night & so continued till VI this Morn.  Since a Hurricane has served to keep us prisoners within the comfortable Cabin of the "G. Henry".

This morning, I ventured out on deck to get the state of the Thermometer - as I did at 12 (Meridian)  The fight was a desperate one - but by successive trials I accomplished my purpose.

Although at 12 & at the present hour the elements ruled - & still [[underlined]] rule [[/underlined]] with as by [[underlined]] "a hand of vengeance" [[/underlined]] yet apparently several hundred feet vertical the heavens are bright - the Sun striving to increase its half veiled beams to that of its full glory.

I have anxious thoughts for my friends, Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too, who are in their Igloo a few miles south of the point where we came near meeting the fate of being drifted out on the ice during the gale of Saturday Jan 12th. 

The N. East Gales always set Westward a heavy Sea from Davis Straits by wh all

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Incorrect insertions & irrelevant strikethroughs deleted, some transcription corrected.