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Wednesday Apr. 3d 
AM Ther -6 Bar 28.75 }
M +6 " [[ditto for: Bar]] 29.00 }
PM -9 " [[ditto for: Bar]] }
Bar to be compared with Standard when in the States
AM Wind N.W. Fresh - Fair
M " [[ditto for: Wind]] N W  " " [[dittos for: Fresh - Fair]]
PM N W " " [[dittos for: Fresh - Fair]] Aurora & S.
This has been a fair day - might have passed for [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] without the clouds - [[underlined]] Very Fine [[strikethrough]] S[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Sans, [[/underlined]] also, the strong wind that has been coming all day from the N.W.
Que-jes-se & the "Sailor boy" have not returned to-day as was expected by Capt B. The dogs & Kummiti are wanted by wh. another load can be sent over to-morrow. I am deeply engaged from Morn to night hour, usually to mid-night - in my surveying Astronomical & Navigation studies.
I wish to preserve the working of this proposition: - Required the observed altitude of the Sun this day at [[underlined]] h3-m30 PM Apparent time [[/underlined]] in [[strikethrough]] this (*Rescue Harbor) [[/strikethrough]] [*the following Lt. & Long:- ^[[Inserted subsequently July 28/63 Hall.] ]]
* Latitude 52[[degree symbol]] -51[[feet symbol]] N
Long. 65[[degree symbol - 05[[feet symbol]] W.
[[symbol: Sun]]'s Declination (Greenwich) 5[[degree symbol]] -25[[feet symbol]] - 01[[inch symbol]]
- | 6-25 = (x 7.83 hours for Long 65[[degree symbol]] - 05 & 3-30 Mins
[[symbol: Sun]]'s " [[ditto for: Declination]] x "Rescue Harbor" 5[[degree symbol]] - 31[[feet symbol]] - 29[[inch symbol]]
* ^[[Note subsequently added.]] 
[ It was intended to use Lat 62[[degree symbol]] - 51[[feet symbol]] ]
[ instead 52[[degree symbol]] - 51[[feet symbol]] ]  Hall July 28/62 ]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Apr 3
h m s
12 - 00 - [[?]]
April Time PM 3 - 30 f[[?]]
App. Time from
h m
Noon 3 - 30 = Log. [[underlined]] Rising [[/underlined]] 4.59244
Lat/ (N) 52[[degree symbol]] - 51[[feet symbol]] = Log Cos 9.78097
[[symbol]] s D[[?]]c. ^[[at]] (N) 5 - 31 = " " [[dittos for: Log Cis]] 9.99798
52 - 51 Nat[[?]] - N. 23517 = Log 4.37139
5-31 } Nate Cos. = 67773
[[line]]  [[/line]]
{ 47[[degree symbol]] - 20[[?]] ] " [[ditto for: Natr[[?]] Sine 44256 = 26[[degree symbol]] = 16 [[feet symbol]] True Alt.
[ Difference } Add [[strikethrough]] S[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Refraction 1 - 54[[feet symbol]]
[[line]]Apparent 26 - 17 - 54
Sub. { [[sun symbol]] Semi Diam 16[[feet symbol]] - 1 [[inch symbol]]
{ " [[ditto for: [[sun symbol]] ]] Parallex 8[[inch symbol]] = 16[[feet symbol]] = 9[[inch symbol]]
26 - 01 - 45
[[symbol]] Altitude by [[underlined]] Artificial Horizon [[/underlined]]
P.M. of Apr 3d 1861
2) 52 - 03 - 30
) 26 - 01 - 45
[[symbol]] Semi Diam 16[[feet symbol]] - 01[[inch symbol]] ] = +16 - 09
& Parallax 8[[inch symbol]] } [[line]]
26[[degree symbol]] - 17[[feet symbol]] = 54[[inch symbol]]
1 - 54
Ref. Sub. [[line]]
[[symbol]]'s True Al. = 26[[degree symbol]] = 16[[feet symbol]] - 00
52[[degree symbol]] - 51 Secant ,21903
90 - 00 } = Polar Dist 84[[degree symbol]] = 29 C. Secant ,00202
5 31 } [[line]]
[[line]] 2) 163 - 36
84-29 [[line]]
81 - 48 Cosine 9.15421
26 - 16
55 - 32 Sine 9.91617
h m ) [[line]]
App. Time P.M. 3 - 30 = Sine = 9.64571
Aurora to night Fine. At XI fine S.E. the bars from behind a line of Black Clouds - Extends around Southern horizon to S.W.
My disabled shoulder slowly improving.