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Apr 10th
h m s [[sun symbol]] | to Budington Mount (peak)
21-37-35 [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] 90[[degree symbol]] - to[[feet symbol]] By Sextant
21-40-40 [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] 90[[degree symbol]] - 40[[feet symbol]] [[boxed]]
Alt. Mt. 4[[degree symbol]] - 20.1[[guess]] [[/boxed]]
2) 43-18-15 2) 180 - 30
[[line]] [[line]]
21-39-07 = 190[[degree symbol]] - 15[[feet symbol]]
[[encircled]] W. Show on App Time [[/enclosed]] = = = 4-29
^[[ [[encircled]] 94-50[[guess]] 95-40 [[/encircled]] ]]
Time From Noon } = 2-16-24 [[two lines to following]]
4.23547 = XXIII Log Ris.
9.65902 Lat. 62-52
9.99568 Dec. 8[[degree symbol]] - 04[[feet symbol]]
7766 Log. 3.89017
49877 = 29[[degree symbol]] - 55[[feet symbol]] - 
- 00[[inch symbol]] [[sun symbol]] 's True Al.
Sub Palx - 8[[inch symbol]] & Add Rep 1[[feet symbol]] - 38[[inch symbol]] = + 1 - 30
[[sun symbol]]'s [[strikethrough]] true [[/strikethrough]] ^[[App.]] Alt. 29[[degree symbol]] - 56[[feet symbol]] - 30[[inch symbol]]
With this I proceede to find [[sun symbol]]'s
Azimuth: Polar Dist 81[[degree symbol]] - 56[[feet symbol]] - 07[[inch symbol]]
Lat. N. 62-52-00 = .34098
[[sun symbol]] Alt. 29-56-30 = .06221
2) 174-44-37
[[line]] 87-22-18 = 8.66140
5-26-22 = 9.99804
2) 19.06263
70[[degree symbol]] - 8[[feet symbol]] = 9.53131
At h m s x2
App. Time 21-43-36 [[sun symbol]]'s ^[[True]] Azimuth N. 140[[degree symbol]] - 16[[feet symbol]] E
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Apr 10
Now I take the observations recorded at the commencement of this day's [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] journal
[[column 1]]
h m s
18-16-56 = [[encircled]] A [[/encircled]]
4-29 Watch slow
18-21-25 on App T.
5-38-35 = {Time from]
h m s {Meridian}
[[/column 1]]
[[column 2]]
[[vertical]] B[[?]]t from 1st Col of to-day's [[?]] [[/vertical]]
18-11-15 - 209[[degree symbol]] Az Com ]
18-14-30 - 208 ]
18-19-30 - 207 23[[degree symbol]] - 42 ]
18-22-30 - 206 ]
[[line]] [[line]]
Mean 18-16-56 [[strikethrough]] (207.5) [[strikethrough]] ]
Log Ris. 4.95745
9.65902 Cosine Lat 62-52
9.99568 " [[ditto for: Cosine]] Dec. 4-12
Log. 4.61215
[[/column 2]]
Natl No.
Natl Cosine of } [[strikethrough]] - [[/strikethrough]] 40945
distance Lt & dec }
[[strikethrough]] Nat. Sine [[/strikethrough]] } = 57643
Natl Sine = 16698 = 9[[degree symbol]] Al. of [[sun symbol]]
[[sun symbol]]'s true Al 5 + Ref
9-41 [[sun symbol]]'s App. A.
90 00
8-4 - Dec [[?]] ) 
81-86 - P. Dist 83-56
Lat N 62-52 Secant 34098
Al of [[sun symbol]] 9-41 Secant 00623
2) 154-29
77-14 Cosine 9.34436
4-42 Cosine 9.99854
2) 19.69011
45-35 = Cosine 9.84505 { 360[[degree symbol]]
[[sun symbol]]'s Azimuth N. 91-10 E { Brought down 207[[degree symbol]] . S
Az [[sun symbol]] by Compass N. 152.5 E
[[strikethrough]] Az [[/strikethrough]] [[sun symbol]]'s Az (true) N. 91.1 E
[[underlined]] Variation [[/underlined]] N 61.4 W.
[[line with loops across page]]
[[strikethrough]] An [[/strikethrough]] Afternoon observations gave the following results - [[underlined]] quite a difference [[/underlined]] perhaps owing to the increased [[underlined]] daily [[/underlined]] ^[[fluctuating]] declination of the Compass.
[[column 1]]
h m s ]
[[boxed vertical]] Time by Watch [[/boxed vertical]]
5-48-20 25[[degree symbol]] - 00[[feet symbol]] ]
52-15 24-30 ]
55-00 24-00 ]
59-00 23-00 ]
6-03-00 22-00 [[vertical]] By Ap. [[?]]. [[vertical]] ]
[[line]] [[line]]
Mean 5-55-31 23[[degree symbol]] - 42 Az. Comp
W. Slow 4-19 [[encircled]] B [[/encircled]] 
5-59-50 App True
[[/column 1]]
[[column 2]]
h m s 
[[underlined]] 5-59-50 [[/underlined]]
[[Note: dotted lines from previous entry to 'App True' below]]
Time from ^[[noon]] 4.99968
Lat. 62-52 9.65902
Dec. 8[[degree symbol]] - 12[[feet symbol]] 9.99554
[[underlined]] 4.65424
[[line]] 12717 = 7[[degree symbol]] - 18[[feet symbol]] .5
P.D. 81-48 Lat N 62-52 Secant 34098
[[sun symbol]]'s Alt. -- 7-25 [[?]] 00365
2) 152-05
[[?]] same 76 -02 Cosine 9.38266
Dif ---- 5-46 [[?]] 9.99780
2) 19.72509
[[encircled to left]] Brought from [[encircled]] B [[/encircled]] in [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] this column [[/encircled]]
h m s
A. 5-59-50 } 43-13[[degree symbol]] = 9.86254 Cosine
{ [[sun symbol]]'s [[underlined]] Tru [[/underlined]] Azimuth N. } = 86-26 W. 
{ [[sun symbol]] 's Az. of Compass N. = 23=42 W.
N 62-44 W. [[underlined]] Variation. [[/underlined]]