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1861 Apr 10  Thurs.

can write to my Cincinnati friends & supporters there, to have them make up a sum to reimburse Mr. G.

When I make my journey Westward & Northward to King Williams Land, I shall require this excellent instrument. Indeed I shall require it in my Spring journeys here - especially the one I soon make [[underlined]] to explore Frobisher Bay. [[/underlined]]  I am anxious to perform works that shall redown to the credit of those who have so generously - so nobly assisted me in my outfit for the voyage I am making here North.

God giving me health & help in the prosecution of my work, I will do my duty as as a Geographer - as a [[underlined]] humanitarian. [[/underlined]]

Capt. B. has nobly said: if the Chro. was his, he should furnish it to me without charge but as it is the property of his employers, he kindly accepts my propositions.

The Chronometer (Box Chronometer) I think to be worth [[underlined]] fully [[/strikethrough]] the price I am to pay.

From some late observations & comparisons, I have made up my mind that it has proved itself more reliable than the George Henry's.  So I now think I have the Chronometer now in charge & shall make frequent observations to determine its rate &c.

By the by, I hope to so present the matter to the "Young Mens' Mercantile Association of Cincinnati, Ohio", that [[underlined]] it [[/underlined]] shall cheerfully bear the expense of of this Chronometer.

I love this Institution, & shall hope to do yet something worthy as a Member of it.  God grant it may be so!

To-night a beautiful thread of light - the New Moon - appeared in the N. Western Heavens.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

1861 Apr 11 Thurs

Again the Aurora comes to us. - At X (this hour) - It just begins its nightly display appearing in the Southern horizon [[?li]] [[?]] the light of the rising Sun lifting itself almost Sun like in apparent motion.

Friday Apr 12. 1861

Ther Bar
AM VI -4[[degree symbol]] 28.800 Wind light N.W. ([[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]])
" [[ditto for: AM]] IX +1 28.800 " " " [[dittos for: Wind light N.W. ([[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]])]]
M +10 28.725 " " " [[dittos for: Wind light N.W. ([[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]])]]
PM VI +4 28.625 [[dittos for: Wind light N.W. ([[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]])]]
" [[ditto for: PM]] -6 28.650[[guess]] Calm " [[ditto for: ([[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]])]] A&S

The Morn obviously fine.  I must do out door work to-day.  After breakfast I will put myself in trim for taking a jaunt to the N.E. going up Budington Mount, - from its peak take angles & bearings of various prominent Mountains, Headlands, Bays etc.

[[line across page]]

Started IX A.M. accompanied by Sharkey ([[space]]) an honest, noble hearted Innuit

[[column one]]
Paces {Double} feet |feet| Course a[[?]] Compass}
460x2x2.5 = [[underlined]] 2000 [[/underlined]] [[encircled]] A [[/encircled]] 256[[degree symbol]] }
80x2x2.5 = [[underlined]] 400 [[/underlined]] [[encircled]] B [[/encircled]] 216[[degree symbol }
[[symbol]] 200x2x2.5 [[underlined]] 1000 [[/underlined]] C 260[[degree symbol]] }
3,400 }
Measured angle for Height Budington Mount }
From place of taking 1st Angle }
7[[degree symbol]] - 45[[feet symbol]] 2d [[?]]00 paces x2x2.5 = [[underlined]] 1000 [[/underlined]] [[encircled]] D [[/encircled]] feet
[[image - drawing of angle]]
Course 260[[degree symbol]]
(1000 feet) 11[[degree symbol]] - 15[[feet symbol]] = [[symbol]] 2d
From 2d [[symbol]] to shore first Mountain }
125 paces x2x2.5 = [[encircled]] 3 [[/encircled]] [[underlined]] 625 [[/underlined]] feet }
Course 260d. }
[[/column one]]
[[column two]]
[[encircled]] A [[/encircled]] 2000 } From Vessel to
[[encircled]] B [[/encircled]] 400 } base of Bud. Mt.
[[encircled]] C [[/encircled]] 1000 }
[[encircled]] D [[/encircled]] 1000 }
[[encircled]] E [[/encircled]] 625  }
5025= }
[[solid line]]
3[[degree symbol]] - 30[[feet symbol]] - 8.78568 
(radius - 10.00000
A) 999 2.99957 2207 3.3 x 3.4
[[symbol]] - 45[[feet symbol]]           9.12985 
11[[degree symbol]] - 15[[feet symbol]] . 9.29028
-8.78568                                 22,63398
--------                                -10.00000
2207 = 3.39374                          ---------
                           430.5          2,63398
[[encircled]] A [[/encircled]] in writing this, have called the distance 1000 feet = 999 but one foot less. 
[[/column two]]
[[image - drawing of angles with degree and feet indicators at appropriate points]]