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Wednesday Apr. 17th 1861

AM  -4  28.90  Wind NW Fresh [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]
M  +18  28.90  " [[ditto for: Wind]] NW Light " [[ditto for: Fine]]
PM  0  28.925  " [[ditto for: Wind]] Calm [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]

Ugarny, [[underlined]] his 2 surviving wives [[/underlined]] & child started off this morning for Oo-kood-lear, accompanied by Angeko & [[underlined]] one [[/underlined]] of his (A's) wives.  Ugarny during his stay at Ookoolear, has seen many reindeer & shot [[underlined]] at [[/underlined]] several, but from the poor quality of his gun missed them.  He returns with a Sharp's rifle which he traded for by giving his spy glass.  Mr Gardiner who had it some time since bought this same gun from U.  An Innuit will sell anything if he has no [[underlined]] immediate [[/underlined]] use for it.

Sharkey & Charley started off this Morn with another load to Whale depot.  They go from there up to An-na-wa's settlement on Frobisher Bay for another load of dog-food ,Walrus-beef & skin.  
This has been a magnificent day.  [[underlined]] It almost seems as if no pleasant day in the States ever surpassed it! [[/underlined]]

I perceive that I have omitted to make mention of the interesting (at [[underlined]] least, so to me) [[/underlined]] fact of my taking yesterday [[underlined]] My First "Lunar"!  I done it alone, [[/underlined]] little expecting to arrive at anything like the true Longitude of this place.  Such as it is, I here make record, hoping to have the pleasure to review it & [[underlined]] refer to [[/underlined]] the same many times hereafter.  After entering it here, I will let the same be succeeded by a set of observations [[strikethrough]] taken [[/strikethrough]] for a [[underlined]] "Lunar" [[/underlined]] taken to-day.  I had Four assistants to-day, all performing the required service with admirable cheerfulness & care.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

1861 Wedns Apr 17

[[underlined]] My First "Lunar"! [[/underlined]]

Lunar Observations of the 16th Apr. taken with pocket sextant
Mean Time Rescue Harbor  h5-m6-s10
Obd. Dist [[symbol: Sun]] & [[symbol: Moon]] - 72°-55'
True Alt. [[symbol: Sun]] as below calculated  15°-25'-22" = (A)
Observed Alt. [[symbol: Moon]]  2/99°-40' = 49°-50-00

-s20 to be sub to bring M.T. Rescue Harbor to [[underlined]] Apparent [[/underlined]] to find Al. Sun at time Lunar Ob.

h5-m6-s10 - s20 = | h5-m5-50 | 4.88414
Dec 10°-13'-09" | Lat. 62°-52' | 9.65902
Cond + 8-13
10-21-22 | Dec 10°-21 | 9.99288
62-52-00  = | 34365 | 4.53604
52°-31'-00" = | 60853
                26488 = | 15°-22'00
                             + 3-25 Refraction
True Alt [[symbol: Sun]]= 15°-25'-25" (A)

[[symbol: Moon]] Semi D. Apr 16th/61 | Noon 15'-16".1
" " " " " [[dittos for: [[symbol: Moon]] Semi D. Apr 16th/61 | Minus 15-21.8
- | Difference 5.7
- | Table XI +5
- | 15.21
- | Increased by Px T. XV  +12
- | [[symbol: Moon]] Semi D. = 15'-33"

[[symbol: Moon]] Hor. Parx N 55'-54.2"
" " " [[dittos for: [[symbol: Moon]] Hor. Parx]] [[?N]] 56-15.1
Difference  21
Table XI  17
[[symbol: Moon]] Hor. Parx = 56'-11"

Chro T. Apr 14 | 10-373
T. 2 days to 16th | -26
Chro T Total | -10-40
Brot forward | 19-43-21
MT. Chro T. Ob = | 9-32-41
- | 4-26-31.7
Hor T Ob = | 5-06-09.3

Observed distance [[symbol: Sun]] & [[symbol: Moon]] N.L. | 72°-55'-00"
[[symbol: Sun]]'s Semi D. (True) | 15-57.6
[[symbol: Moon]]'s " [[ditto for: Semi]] D. (" [[ditto for: True]]) | 15-33
[[underlined]] Apparent [[/underlined]] Dist [[symbol: Sun]] & [[symbol: Moon]] = | 73°-26'-31"

[[symbol: Moon]] Hor Px. 56'-11 | Prop log .5057 = | Same 5057
[[symbol: Sun]] Ap. Alt. 15°-25-25 | Cosecant 10.5752 | [[symbol: Moon]]Ap Al 50°-5'-10"  10.1152 = Cosecant
[[symbol: Sun]] & [[symbol: Moon]] Ap Dis. 73°-26'-31" = | Sine = 9.9817 = | Tangent 10.5268
1st Cor. 4°-44'-25" | Table X to VII Log 1.0626 | Cor 2d Table X to VII = 1.1477 5°-12-49
2d " [[ditto for: Cor.]] 5-12-49
3d " [[ditto for: Cor.]] 2-35
True Distance = 73°-26'-20"

(From Pocket Memo Book Apr 16th)
'Diff. bet. M.T. Chro & M.T. R. Harbor 14th Apr./61 | h4-m26-s31.7
Time Watch Ob. for [[underlined]] "Lunar" [[/underlined]] this P.M. | 4-56
Difference at the Time of W. & Chro. = | 4-47-21
Time by Chro Time of Observation = | 9-43-21
(See End)

Dist by N.A. 73-14-37 | Prop Log  .3123
11-43 | 1.1865
----- | ------
0-24-03 | .8742
Add from NA + h9-00-00 | -
9-24-03 Mean T. Greenwich 
5-06-10 " [[ditto for: Mean]] T. Rescue Har
Dif is Long in Time 4-17-53 = | 64-28 W of Greenwich 
Longtude "Rescue" Harbor by this  64°-28' W.