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April 17
By preceeding record (No 1 [[strikethrough]] ) [[/strikethrough]] ante column) the difference between Rescue - Chro & G.H.C.) is m s 10-40
G.H. Chr 8-30-44.3 = {The Mean of the ^[[G.H. Chro]] Times in 1st Col of
{the [[underlined]] Table [[/underlined]] of to-day's Lunar Obser's.
R. Chro 8-41-35.3 = [ Chro. Time (uncorrected by deduction }
[ of gain by given Note) Rescue's. }
{R's [[underlined]] Fast [[/underlined]] to date = -10-38.6
8-30-56.7 = Greenwich Mean T. by R. Chro.
4-04-55 = { Mean Time Rescue Harbor }
[[line]] { (see column reading) } 
[[strikethrough]] 4-2[[?]]-0[[?]].7 [[/strikethrough]]
4-26-01.7 = { Diff. Az per R Chro of G. Time
h m s { & R. Harbor
- -4-17-37 Long. [[underlined]] in Time [[/underlined]] as per "Lunar"
{ Chro. Fast = 8-24.7 of to-day }
{ if the "Lunar" m s (See preceeding Col. }
No s be correct [[?]] of its given rate.
By record in 1st Col. of "Table"}
h m s
^[[Difference]] Mean-Time G.H's Chro. } = 4-22-52
& Rescue Harbor Mean Time } 
Long in time as per Lunar (No 2) = 4-17-37
If Lunar (No 2) be correct then G.H Chro } = 5-15
Fast of its given rate } m s
[[line with circles across page]]
Now Compare Chros. ^[[as they are to-day]] with "Linar" No 1 - (the
Longitude, 64[[degree symbol]] - 28[[feet symbol]], turned into Time.)
h m s h m s
Diff M T. [[?]] 4-26-01.7 [[encircled]] Diff M. T. G H Chro & M T RH = [[/encircled]] 4-22-52
R. Chro & M.T. RH ] 4h-1.7m-53s 4h-17m-53s
[[line]] [[line]]
[[line from 4-1.7-53 entry to following:]]
64[[degree symbol]]-28[[feet symbol]]
in Time
[[line from 4-17-53 entry to following:]]
Long 64[[degree symbol]]-28[[feet symbol]]
in Time
[[line]] [[line]]
8-08.7 4-59
m s m. s.
[[line from 8-08.7 entry to following:]]
Fast of given rate
[[line from 4-59 entry to following:]]
Fast of given rate
{ Lunar No 1 = 64[[degree symbol]]-28[[feet symbol]]-00[[inch symbol]]
{ " [[ditto for: Lunar]] No 2 = 64-24-15
Difference ---- 3[[feet symbol]]-45[[inch symbol]]
{ Less than 2 Nautical
{ Miles! Difference.
[[line with 3 circles]]
{ 64[[degree symbol]]-28[[feet symbol]]-00[[inch symbol]]
{ 64-24-15
2) 128 52-15
[[double boxed]]
64[[degree symbol]]-26[[feet symbol]]-07[[inch symbol]].5
[[/double boxed]]
= Mean Longitude of the 
2 Lunars.
[[boxed to right]]
Long. of Oo-Kood
-lear Island
64[[degree symbol]]-40[[feet symbol]] W.
Mate Gardiner
informs me that by
good observations,
Oo-Kood-lear (Island)
has been determined to be as above
[[/boxed to right]] 
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
It was an interesting - & I may add [[underlined]] exciting matter [[/underlined]] with me today while taking the Lunars
Capt. Budintgon took the Altitude of the Moon & Mate Gardiner those of the Sun [[strikethrough]] in cor [[/strikethrough]] simultaneous to my measuring the [[sun symbol]] & [[symbol]] Distances, while Mate Lamb [[underlined]] timed ^[[by chronometer]] "down below" from Tele[[?]]pic word passed from me by Mate Smith whose position was at the head of the Companion way. As I had but one Artificial Horizon (that of Mercury) (2 being required one for [[sun symbol]] & one for [[symbol]] ) heavy draughts were made on a nearly tipped cask ^[[(of Molasses). Two large deep dishes nearly filled with the sacherine matter were brought out by the accomodating Steward Some of the G.H. men anticipated that candy making time ^[[was about]] [[strikethrough]] had [[/strikethrough]] arrive [[strikethrough]] ed [[/strikethrough]] ^[[& hoped]] they would come in for a share.
The weather - the time - was fine - [[underlined]] fine [[/underlined]] in every signification of the word! 
Aurora to-night - Fine also!
To-day as about to take observations, a flock of [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] cheering ^[[chirping]] Snow-birds waved [[strikethrough]] pa[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] along over our heads.
'They've come to eat the snow up - 
[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] It will take a great many birds a long time to make way with it all.' This is of child-hood memory - pleasant to me nevertheless.
At one time to-day, bet. 11 & 12, there in the sun stood at 61[[degree symbol]]! while in the shade ^[[same time]] it was +18[[degree symbol]].
Capt B. is not certain, but ^[[ [[strikethrough]] [[/strikethrough]] if his memory serves him]] thinks that the Long. up Oo-kood-lear Islanbd (S. ^[[W.]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] side) is [[underlined]] 63[[degree symbol]] [[/underlined]]  -40[[feet symbol]] instead of 64-[[?]] as G. has stated it. [[/encircled]]