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Thursday, Apr. 18, 1861

AM + 28.750 N.W. Light. Clouds
M +15 28.675 Calm but Cloudy
PM +6 28.500 " " " [[dittos for: Calm but Cloudy]]

The fine weather has left us. From appearances we are to have a storm of some kind.

To-night at 11 1/2 O'clock, Sharkey & Charley, the 2 Innuits returned with dogs & a load of Walrus from An-na-wa settlement. Mate Gardiner & I are the only ones up. We have been up & assisting in unharnessing the dogs & unloading the Skin & meat. These Innuits said they left the greater part of the Walrus on the ice on the other side of the Land (Frobisher]] Bay) that they might get here before mid-night. I was much surprised to find that nearly all the load brought to the ship was taken by them to their Igloos, a few rods astern, on the Seko (-ice). They said the would return the Skin & blubber portion to-morrow. As I had no authority in the matter, I could not say a word; but, I am sure Capt. B., when he gets up in the Morning, will feel indignant that he should send the Innuits & dogs & Kummitie over with articles for trade for dog-food (& fresh provision for his men) & then have it all up, nearly all, taken away by those in charge of this service. [[underlined]] Innuits will be Innuits. [[/underlined]]

If they can acquire an advantage over their benefactors, sometimes they will do it, especially when that advantage has a tendency to add to their huge; human store - house for fresh raw meat!

"Jim Crow's" nuliana (Jim" is Innuit) accompanied Charley & Sharkey from Frobisher Bay arriving with them to-night.

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Friday Apr 19th 1861

A.M. +14[[degree symbol]] 28.275 Wind ^[[Fresh]] N. Cloudy & threatening
M +41[[degree symbol]] 28.200 W. "[[ditto for: Cloudy]] but [[underlined]] promising [[/underlined]]
PM +20[[degree symbol]] 28.200 " [[ditto for: Wind]] N.W. Clouds breaking
9 PM +10 28.225 " [[ditto for: Wind]] N.W. " " [[dittos for: Clouds breaking]] & Moon out - A & S

This has been a day of warmth - 'the warmest of the Season'!

To-day I was not a little amused to see the rig in wh. the Innuit - the laughing Innuit - Sharkey, appeared in For his assistance - driving dog in morning over casks of ship's stuff to Whale depot, Capt. B. presented to him a new wool, shirt edged all around, except the 'flaps", with scarlet - [[underlined]] bright flaming red. [[/underlined]]

He (S) proudly strutted around among us, white folks, with this [[underlined]] on the outside [[/underlined]] of all his other clothes, wearing it like a frock!

A question relative to Quadrents & Sextants was discussed by Capt B. myself Lamb & Gardiner to-day.

Capt. B. said that he had seen a Commander of a Whale ship who had his Quadrent so adjusted that in taking the Meridian Altitude of the Sun ([[symbol: Sun]]) that there was no addition to be made for connection of Semidiameter & Parallax of the [[symbol: Sun]], or calculation to be made for [[strikethrough]] by using [[/strikethrough]] Polar distance by use of pen or pencil & yet he never got hold of the secret. It was finally agreed among [[strikethrough]] us [[/strikethrough]] that the Index glass & horizon glass of the Quadrent must have been adjusted (made parallel) with each other with 0 of the Vernier 12' to the