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[[Note: paper obscuring 1/4 text on first page and some entries to left on second page]]
P.M. Observations
R. Chro Greenwich Resolute Sextant Index Error
h m s 
VII-9-25 [[encircled]] 5 [[/encircled]] [[checkmark]] 63[[degree symbol]] - 30[[feet symbol]] [[checkmark]] -1[[feet symbol]] - 45[[inch symbol]]
12-26.5 [[checkmark]] 63-00 [[checkmark]]
[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]
15-19.5 [[checkmark]] 62-30 [[checkmark]]
1[[?]]-25 ---- 62-00 [[checkmark]]
22-40.5 [[checkmark]] 61-15 [[checkmark]]
25-23.5 [[checkmark]] 60-45 [[checkmark]]
[[left margin vertical]]
( These Obs. )
( worked up 2d )
( Column succeeding this )
[[/left margin vertical]]
26-51.5 [[checkmark]] 60-30 [[checkmark]]
28-22 [[checkmark]] 60-15 [[checkmark]]
31-00 [[checkmark]] 59-45 [[checkmark]]
32-42.5 [[checkmark]] 59-30 [[checkmark]]
33-55 [[checkmark]] 59-15 [[checkmark]]
35-16 [[checkmark]] 59-00 [[checkmark]]
m s
VII - 36-40 [[encircled]] 13 [[/encircled]] 58[[degree symbol]] - 45[[feet symbol]]
[[line]] [[line]]
13) 5028-2[[?]].0  [[?]]98-00-[[encircled]] 190[[degree symbol]] - 00[[feet symbol]] [[/encircled]]
[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[line]] [[line]]
60[[degree symbol]] - 46[[feet symbol]] - 9[[inch symbol]].23
VII-25-16 [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]
Small or Pocket Sextant No I'm
Chro Greenwich Alt [[sun symbol]]
VIII - 6m [[checkmark]] 53[[degree symbol]] - 5[[feet symbol]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
(P.M.) By R. Sex Index Error (4
Lunar Distances [[symbol]] & [[sun symbol]]
m s.
[[Note: in center of two columns below, 'G' encircled]]
-12-45 [[checkmark]] 122[[degree symbol]] - 30[[feet symbol]] - 30[[inch symbol]] [[checkmark]]
20-35 [[checkmark]] 35-00 [[checkmark]]
23-37 [[checkmark]] 33-45 [[checkmark]]
33-55 [[checkmark]] 39-30 [[checkmark]]
36-45 [[checkmark]] 41-00 [[checkmark]]
39-35 [[checkmark]] 43-30 [[checkmark]]
43-45 [[checkmark]] 45-00 [[checkmark]]
46-50 [[checkmark]] 45-45 [[checkmark]]
49-40 [[checkmark]] 47-15 [[checkmark]]
VIII - 57 - 00 [[checkmark]] 122[[degree symbol]] - 51[[feet symbol]] - 30[[inch symbol]]
[[Note: 'H' encircled written in the middle of below observations]]
Chro G. From Azimuth
h m Alt [[sun symbol]] By Az. Cone. [[sun symbol]]
IX-15-00 [[checkmark]] 38[[degree symbol]] - 35[[feet symbol]] [[checkmark]] 41[[degree symbol]] [[checkmark]]
19-38 [[checkmark]] 37[[degree symbol]] - 30 [[checkmark]] 40[[degree symbol]] [[checkmark]]
[[encircled]] I [[/encircled]]
Compared Chro & Watch immediately on close of the noon observations [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] ^[[(on wh. I read)]] the latter)
h m s.
Chro. 5-35-42
W - 1-09-00
Difference 4-26-42
[[line with loop]]
^[[By pocket Sex.t _ [[?]]i I s[[?]])
Observation at the Meridian passage of the [[symbol]] By Pocket Sex.
Artificial }
Horizon    } 63[[degree symbol]] - 30[[feet symbol]]
Ther 10[[degree symbol]] 
{ See working up }
{ supplement sheet }