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Apr 20
[[encircled]] 5 [[/encircled]]
[[encircled]] F [[/encircled]] Observations are thus
concluded: [[line]]
[[column 1]]
-3-45 I. Gn
2) 60-45-10
[[sun symbol]] S D & Px +16-05
Perp. -1-36
30[[degree symbol]] - 37[[feet symbol]] - 04[[inch symbol]]
[[column 1]]
[[column 2]]
30[[degree symbol]] - 37[[feet symbol]] - 04[[inch symbol]]
62-52-00 Sec. ,34098
78-17-09 Cosec 00914
2) 171-46-13
85-53-6 Cosin 8.85587
30-37-4 91477
55-16-2 Sine [[?]] ^[[ [[strikethrough]] 91477 [[/strikethrough]] ]]
2) 19.12076
[[column 2]]
P.M. h m s
Apparent Time R. H. = 2-50-28 - sine
[[?]] [[?]] Time by Chro. (Gellen[[guess]]) 7-25-16
Diff. Chro. &
Apparent in 
P.M. . R.H.
[[Note:  line from encircled texts above to some following entries]]
Bring forward result
[[encircled]] A [[/encircled]] Obs. Apparent ^[[T.]] AM.
h m s
Sub[[?]] = 9-32-28
from = 2-08-07.5 Time Chro
[[Note: line from preceeding entry to the encircled text below]]
[[encircled]] Diff. Chro. AM & App. T R.H. [[/encircled]]
0-57.5 = { Difference between observations)
{ AM. & PM of Chro. &
{ Apparent Times [[underlined]] Fifty one 
{ & 5/10 seconds! [[/underlined]]
This is [[underlined]] Tantalizing! [[/underlined]] The observations were careful ones - ^[[Made]] as carefully as I could. I have worked them up ^[[with care.]] The "Resolute Sextant" must be unreliable - on the Artificial Horizon. I must however [[double underlined]] persevere! [[/double underlined]] I was tyro[[guess]] ^[[in astronomical matters]] from days since - have made some advances - [[underlined]] may yet conquer all difficulties. [[/underlined]] Of course, the chro had altered but [[underlined]] a fraction of a second [[/underlined]] in the time that transpired between the Am & PM Obs.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Apr 20
Little Ookoo^[[d]]lear came de[[?]]on to-day from above Sing-eye-gen". Ebirnbing & Tukooli are to follow soon.
Ship's company are busily putting the slip in complete order for the years service. She the G.H. is receiving new coat of paint & varnish. The snow embankment around the vessel erected against her hull ^[[(for keeping vessel warm)]] while I was with the natives this Winter, has been taken away. 
Que-jesse has gone with a load of ship's stuff over to Whale Depot.
[[image - cross]] Apr. 21st 1861
Ther Bar
A.M. +4[[degree symbol]] 28.875 Wind Light [[strikethrough]] Fresh [[/strikethrough]] S.W. Fair
M +8[[degree symbol]] 29.000 Wind N.E. Fresh Fine
PM +4[[degree symbol]] 28.875 Wind N. & Fresh [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]
Took  Meridian observation
2) 77[[degree symbol]] - 46[[feet symbol]] = "Pocket Sex." Artificial Hor. No. I. [[?]]m.
+16-04 [[sun symbol]]'s Semi d. & px
1-10 Ref.
39-07-54 [[sun symbol]]'s true Alt.
90 00 00
50-52-06 11[[degree symbol]] - 57[[feet symbol]] - 01.7[[inch symbol]] Dec. Greenwich
12-00-40 = 3[[feet symbol]] - 38[[inch symbol]] = Cor D[[?]]
[[encircled]] 12-00-40 [[/encircled]]
Lat. H 62[[degree symbol]] - 52[[feet symbol]] - 46[[inch symbol]]
I shall multiply observations to fix [[underlined]] this [[?]] [[/underlined]] as near as my means will allow.