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1861 [[symbol: cross]] Apr 21 

Que-jes-se returned with dogs & Kummitie this P.M. - reports that new ice has made as far out in Frobisher Bay as can be seen
"Jim Crow's" wife started off about 12 (Mer) with Sharkey's half-American infant in her hood for the Innuit settlement over on F Bay. Sharkey's nuliana will not recover from her prostration I fear. The race is dying off - [[underlined]] The decrease is lamentable. [[/underlined]] Once it was a numerous people around these waters, now otherwise. [[strikethrough]] & growing [[/strikethrough]]

I expect to go over to the Inuits settlement on Frobisher Bay to-morrow. I go to make arrangements for proceeding soon on my contemplated trip of exploration around the waters mapped, & by the World called: [[underlined]] "Frobisher Straits"! [[/underlined]]

Que-jes-se promises to go over with me if the weather will permit, to-morrow.

My wish is to chart the lands around [[strikethrough]] there [[/strikethrough]] Frobisher Bay within the next month - & do much more.

I have omitted to record the "Spot" on the Sun that I 1st saw for the first time to notice it on 19th. I was looking at the Sun with Sextant having the Astronomical telescope in it. I though a defect in the glass existed & was proceeding to remedy it, when the thought struck me that perhaps that spot might be a [[underlined]] little farther off [[/underlined]] than I at first imagined - that it might be on the face of old Sol. I brought my glass to bear up on the Great dispenser of heat & light. The spot was on it!

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1861 [[symbol: cross]] Apr 21

Twenty minutes before Midnight 

I have just returned from deck enthused by the fires that are burning in the heavens!  A [[underlined]] new play [[/underlined]] to night by the aurora - at least so to me.

Going up, I saw that the Moon was struggling to penetrate with her borrowed light white clouds that enshrouded her. Looking around, I found the heavens covered with [[underlined]] "petite [[/underlined]] dancers" - clothed in white.

My powers of description of this [[underlined]] peculiar [[/underlined]] appearance & [[underlined]] Workings [[/underlined]] of the Aurora to-night are wanting. No color in the Aurora to-night - but it is white - like the world beneath it.

12 o'clk - I have been up again. I am now satisfied that I have seen the Aurora at times this month in the day time, in when the Sun was well up in its course & shining brightly. 

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Incorrect insertions & irrelevant strikethroughs deleted, some transcription corrected.