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Thursday Apr 25 1861
The night spent in [[underlined]] sweet sleep, [[/underlined]] though I was [[underlined]] backed [[/underlined]] by a snow bank! Toward morning, however, I got somewhat chilly. I & Sterry concluded to warm up the establish^[[ment]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] by all hands having a grand smoke. Surely I must confess the conclusion was a good one in our case for it did make [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] Igloo warmer - even [[underlined]] sweat [[/underlined]] The Sun soon followed. [[strikethrough]] I [[?]] worked out [[/strikethrough]] 
I pierced a perspecting hole through our Parian walls wh. led direct to the [[symbol: Sun]]. His cheering rays poured refreshingly in. Then a door way was cut & [[strikethrough]] out [[/strikethrough]] I crawled through, on "all-fours", [[strikethrough]] mak [[/strikethrough]] making my way out of a space 10 x 12 & that too without [[underlined]] soaping. [[/underlined]]
The wind I found fresh & cold from the E. Cloudy.  I ^[[& S.]] went direct on to the top of of the Island to take a view. The long line of pinnacled mountains of "Meta Incognita" was ^[[en]]wrapped by a long [[underlined]] black cloud, [[/underlined]] indicating a storm coming.
Here I observed the low land that was upon the North side of Frobisher Bay - growing less & less toward the upper part of the Bay.  In fact it has decreased since leaving our starting point - at Annawa's. After a careful examination all around failing to see any settlement [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] ^[[we]] returned to the foot of the hill - to the Igloo - found Kok-er-jab-in & Cap-a-tain gone - we follow their tracks to the top of the Island. All take a look. K. taking my spy & directing it N. by compass, to an Island much resorted to by Innuits she discovers [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] Igloos!  Our joy!  I took the glass & saw [[underlined]] dogs, [[/underlined]] & Igloos!  We descend with leaping hearts - as well as leaping limbs.  I thought, [[underlined]] now I can accomplish my object in coming here! [[/underlined]]  I can see something more of Frobisher Bay & [[underlined]] perhaps [[/underlined]] conclude arrangements by wh. I can explore this Bay! We soon had our packs at our backs. Saw Capatain who made "Pink" his pack-horse drawing his extras on the toy sledge.  Something was said about smashing in our Igloo - but I said:  No! - in case not finding what we
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Apr 25 
expected, it might yet be of service in shielding us from storm & night's exposure.
Already for a start for the Island where we had seen an Igloo - on Island where Kn has often resided - called by Innuits:  AK-KOO-WIE-SHUT-TOO-PING
In one short hour I raised the spy & saw that there were several Igloos as well as numerous dogs - No Innuits for it was too early an hour VI OClk.  We reached the shore ice in one hour 15 min made our way slowly to land over the gigantic [[underlined]] Ice boulders [[/underlined]] that are now universal to be found between Sea ice & the "Ice-foot". While I stopped to ascertain time by Az. C. the rest of the company pushed on. Time VI 1/2. Four large Igloos soon met our eyes each apparently occupied by 2 families. Here I found Innuits that were my friends & acquaintances. My 2d friend I saw was "Sampson" (Koo- [[strikethrough]] ^[[Koo]] [[/strikethrough]] ]] [[strikethrough]] chen [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Choo]] ar-chu). He was greatly rejoiced to welcome me. He took my hand in his - squeezed it - hugged it - patted it & [[underlined]] by it [[/underlined]] led me immediately to his mansion - his Igloo. It was an early hour for Innuits to be up. His family were still in bed yet they all raised up, naked as they were, & welcomed me. I was delighted to find plenty of Seal & Walrus [[underlined]] especially Im-^[[ [[underlined]] me-ung [[/underlined]] ]] [[strikethrough]] mik [[/strikethrough]] = WATER, all of wh. were liberally given to me as fast as I could make way with it.  After a while, I made my way out & invited Koo-^[[Koo]] [[strikethrough]] choo [[/strikethrough]] -ar-Chu to accompany me. I called Sterry out of K.'s mother's Igloo that he might see "Sampson"! I then took my bread-bag (a little bread still remained) & went with "Sampson" to his Igloo. There I gave ^[[a portion of Sea-bread to]] each one of his family - ^[[ [& to]] the family occupying jointly the same Igloo & the little [[strikethrough]] Igloos [[/strikethrough]] Innuits standing around hopefully for something from a Kab-loo-na. To Sampson I gave the [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] remaining small piece of boiled salt "junk" that I had. This he divided up, keeping a small piece to 

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed Leaving this in the interests of moving this transcription along.