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Tuesday Apr 30 1861
AM 10[[degree symbol]] 28.3 Gale N.E. with Snow
M 20 28.37[[?]] " " " " [[dittos for: Gale N.E. with snow]]
PM 12 28.3 " " " " [[dittos for: Gale N.E. with snow]]
This Morn nearly blind - a severe night of it - Little was I aware that such a day as yesterday would give me such a complaint of snow blindness. It was just such a day as I would select for travelling [[striekthrough]] yet [[/strikethrough]] cloudy - Yet as I have said it was painful to my eyes in sighting here & there 
This morn, at 4, during a terrible ^[[NE]] gale that prevailed [[strikethrough]] accr [[/strikethrough]] Kam ne-uny (Sharkey) & Koo-pe-ne-ungs (Charley) returned from Og-big-sien-ping (Whale depot) having come from there in the night. They & dogs lost the way back, arriving at a large Berg, the Innuits recognized their [[underlined]] true [[/underlined]] position & struck upon the course to vessel. They had been here but few moments before the sledge was nearly ^[[covered]] in drift-snow, so severe & thick the storm!
The ship was released from her ice-chains this Morn - It alarmed all hands at 1st. It sounded to me as if hail-stones, large as goose eggs, were falling on deck. The ship raised herself fully two feet, showing we have ^[[not]] been ^[[idle]] [[underlined]] doing something [[/underlined]] in devouring her cargo since locked at the commencement of cold - freezing weather.
During the day, storms have prevailed - all business aboard suspended by it. I learn that Capt. B. has sent for Chev-in-Koo to bring over his team of dogs - & to Ebirnbing to come down with his, as they are wanted to assist in transporting the Whale Boats over to Og-big-sien-bing - (Whale depot) & also to carry over casks etc. etc. 
Preparations are being pushed for making [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/striekthrough]] [[underlined]] Strik[[?]]s [[/underlined]] at Whale depot - & about there! May-day is news!