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Wednesday May 1st 1861
AM M PM } Wind
12[[degree symbol]] 16[[degree symbol]] 10[[degree symbol]] } AM Gale N E
28.3 28.375 28.5 } M E.
} PM Fresh clearing up }
May-day has come! Now for Maying! But [[underlined]] where [[/underlined]] are the Flowers?
The storm of yesterday continued till Meridian, when it broke. Indications at the west favorable.  My complaint - snow-blindness - getting better.
The bad weather keeps Esh-oo-loo & his nuliana, Oong-a, from returning. We have a liberal share ^[[now]] of bad weather. It is well I returned as I did.
[[line with loops across page]]
This day Thurs May 2/61 Compared Chronometers -
h m s
R's 1-51-9
GH's 1-40-0 ^[[ [[checkmark]] ]]
Thursday May 2d 1861
AM M PM } Am Light NW, Cloudy - 
10[[degree symbol]] 30 10[[degree symbol]] } M " " " [[dittos for: Light N W Cloudy]]
28.775 28.725 28.750 } PM " " " [[dittos for: Light N W Cloudy]]
This Morning the Innuits who accompanied me over, started back, having been delayed 2 days by the continued bad weather. I gave Esh-oo-loo 3 lbs shot, Box of percussion caps & Tobacco with wh. he seemed greatly pleased. Of course, he & winga have been glad to remain here - living on the ship's fare wh. all Innuits like [[underlined]] very much. [[/underlined]] Eshooloo's eyes were even worse than my own from Monday's tramp.
Charley started off with dogs & sledge [[strikethrough]] conveying [[/strikethrough]] * ^[[&]] a cask of molasses for Whale depot. The snow wh. has just fallen impedes travel. Charley made me a pair of Wooden specks (Innuit style) to-day. I shall take the precaution to use them when I make another tour. Sharkey buckets[[guess]] ^[[- Molasses not there -]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[Note: paper on top of page obscuring part of date entry]]
May 3.
[[strikethrough]] Thur. [[/strikethrough]]
Friday, May 3d 1861
AM M PM } Wind N. W. Light
10[[degree symbol]] 30 11[[degree symbol]] } Day [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]]
28.850 28.850 28.50 }
This has been a gloriously [[underlined]] Fine [[/underlined]] day! Not a cloud - clear, blue sky & but light wind.
This P.M. 3 1/2 o'clock, while I was engaged making Astronomical Observations, Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too have in sight in the E. with dogs & Kummitie. [[strikethrough]] the later [[/strikethrough]] They have brought everything, expecting to continue here till my departure for "King William's Land" next July. Ebirnbing brings his dogs to assist ^[[Capt B.]] as already indicated. I am glad to meet them again - & they apparently to see me. A short time after [[strikethrough]] Jim Crow f[[?]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] "Jim Crow" (Kin-nu-ar-le-ping, son of Ar-tark-pa-ru) arrived with Chev-ing-[[underlined]] Koo's team. [[/underlined]]
R. Chro
This Morning ^[[& in the PM]] made observations for Time (Index Error -1[[feet symbol]] -45[[inch symbol]])
h m s AM h PM. m s
[[encircled]] A 1-52-10 70[[degree symbol]] -00 = | = 7-15-05 = }
[[encircled]] B 1-53-30 70-15 = | 7-13-35 = }
* 1-56-30 70-45 | }
[[encircled]] C [[/encircled]] 1-58-00 71-00 = | = 7-9-10 = }
PM [[line with loops]]
h m s | h m s
7-33-21 66-45[[feet symbol]] | 7-26-25 68[[degree symbol]] - 00[[feet symbol]]
35-30 66-20 | 7-27-50 68-45
[[line with loop]] [[line with loop]]
h m s | h m s 
8-2-55 61[[degree symbol]] - 00[[feet symbol]] | 7-12-15 70[[degree symbol]] - 30[[feet symbol]]
3-25 59-55 | 17-45 67-30
3-48 50 | 19-25 69-15
4-17 45 22-17 68-45
4-37 40 | 25-00 68-15
5-00 35 | 25-00 68-15