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[[boxed]] 1861 May 28 1861 Tues. [[/boxed]]
6) From 1st stopping [[circled]] 6 [[/circled]] place where [[stamp placed on page with image of naval officer; wavy line drawn around it]] we remained 15 minutes, started across the Island, Course 45[[degree symbol]] Distance 1/4  of a mile to next sighting point.
Here another stop was made by the Innuits for [[underlined]] additional load! [[/underlined]] While they were bringing in from distant points various Innuit property, I made for an elevated place & sighted
[[image: letter A connected to circled letter B with a flying flag or pennant]]
Vessel bore by A. Compass  200[[degree symbol]] - Burlington Mt. [[insertion]] 212[[degree symbol]] [[/insertion]] 212[[degree symbol]])
Grinnell Mount [[strikethough]] 300 [[/strikethrough]] 310[[degree symbol]]
Cyrus W Field Mt. 347[[degree symbol]]
Parkers Bay & Bluff 105[[degree symbol]]
French Head 129[[degree symbol]]
North Shore Entrance to the Bay 178[[degree symbol]]
Extreme land Hull Island (S.E. trend]]  170[[degree symbol]]
Direction Mount ([[strikethrough the [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Our]] Course to land route)  30[[degree symbol]]
After making these sights, I descended to the lakelet where the Innuits I found busily engaged in bringing in, & [[underlined]] bringing in [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] Tupik poles - Tupik Coverings, Frame of Ki-a, Buckets - Skin, Stretching sticks, etc. etc. I found that Ebierbing had taken his gun & gone out on a Partridge hunt, by the loud echoing reports of a discharge. I thought we had as much of a load as we could carry when starting from the vessel: but here I found it increased to thrible size & weight on this Island, our detention was ^[[two]] [[strikethrough]] one [[/strikethrough]] 2 hours [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[18]] [[/strikethrough]] Min^[[u]]tes. Ere we started, the Moon showed her face blushingly in the S.E. It was [[insertion]] one [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] one ^ [[two]] [[/strikethough]]  o'clk 32 [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] minutes past

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[boxed]] 1861 May 28 1861 Tues. [[/boxed]] midnight that [[circled]] 7 [[/circled]] we got under way (7. On making Bay ice again I took the lead - soon as sledge came up, Ebierbing was my Company. We had a good walk & talk in passing along. the travelling was [[underlined]] fine [[/underlined]] - [[underlined]] the best of the season [[/underlined]]. As I may wish hereafter to make reference, I will recapitulate time of Arrival at the Island of Upper Village our stop there etc. I will here state time by Chro. which was the only instrument I had of the kind. From it I got my Rescue Harbor time.
(From Chro time sub. h4-m20+^[[fast]]18th=h.4-m38)
3 O'Clock - h4-m38 Time of Starting = 10-22 = PM 27th
Arrival at Upper Village Island
Chro. 3-52 less -4-38 = 11 - 14 = PM 27th
Chro time of departure ^[[insertion]] from Island [[/insertion]] 6-10 -4-38 = 1 - 32 =AM 28th
Chro " [[Ditto for time]] of Sun Tipping Mountains in
red VII-5 -4-38 = 2-27 AM 28th
Chro time of making Land for Land
[[purpose?]] be Rescue Bay & Frobisher
Bay 8-23 -4-38 = 3-45 AM 28th
Chron. Time on 1st striking head of tide water
Frobisher Bay X-25-h4-m38 = = 5-45 AM 28th
New Middle of Bay Head of it [[strikethrough]] X [[/strikethrough]] King nite in sight X-39-36 - 4h-38m =6h-01m-36s = AM 28th [[strikethrough]][[??]]/strikethrough]]
[[right margin, vertically]] Mean Time Rescue Harbor [[/right margin]]