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[[boxed 1861 May 28 Tues. [[/boxed]] 
[[encircled]] 10 [[/circled]]
Continue same course to wit 90º
At X-39-36-4h-38m = 6h-01m - 36s R.H.T. A.M.
"Kinn-gaite" in sight away in the distance looking ^[[44º]] between Ni-on-te-ling & the low point of some other land. 
[[underlined]] Distance 111 50/. [[/underlined]]
[[left margin, vertically]] (See Obs. Notes H)[[/left margin]] 
[[boxed]] Same Course 90º Distance 11 
[[boxed]] Course 30º Distance 11 86/ [[/boxed]] 
[[boxed]] Course 16º Distance 1111 [[/boxed]]
[[underlined]] Course 48 to entrance of this Bay. [[/underlined]]
[[boxed, in right margin] Gun report the echo! echo!![[/boxed, in right margin]]
At X1 - 36 Chn - [[only?]] - 38 = 6 ^[[h above this number]]-58 ^[[m above the number]] R.H.T. 
All hands on [[Kummities?]] Course 40º 
going at 2 1/2 miles per hour for [[strikethrough]] one [[/strikethrough]] Two hours [[strikethrough]] & 36 minutes [[/strikethrough]] At 1-36 Chro 4-38 RHT=8^[[h for hours above number]]-5.8^[[m for minutes above number]] arrive to a point nearer Island OO-pung-ne-wing  when Purrine left us for Annawn's.  here we stopped for Sealing - three Seals were a little distance off, near Ni-on-te=ling (("Countess of Warwichk's Island")  Ebirnling [[unsledgred?]] (9) my rifle - looked for balls in my Carpet Satchel - none there!  I had put them carefully up but never could find more!  One of the Innuits had 2 that exactly [[fitted?]](50 to the lb) a remarkable fit!  Where did the balls come from?  The rifle loaded, away went Sealing, our glasses following his operation.  The Seals shy -  one after another plunged into their element.  Ebiriling had no opportunity of [[strikethrough]] a do [[/strikethrough]] a shot - one he passed [[note in blue pencil]] See supplement for additional log [[/note in blue pencil]]

Our Course still 40 [[degree symbol]]
By Chro 2-45-4-38 -IV-V 7AM ^[[R.H.M.]]
arrived at the shore ice of Too-er-puk-ju-a

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[boxed]] 1861 May 28 Tues [[/boxed]]
[[centered, top of page, circled]] 11 [[/centered,top of page]]
[[right upper corner,circled]] 11 [[/right upper corner]]
As we passed to this point Ni-ou-te-ling ("Countess of Warwick's Island" (1/4 mile to our left.
As we arrived at this shore ice, met a party of Innuits with sledge & team of dogs that were on their way to the vessel having just come from above the Island: (one day's journey above)
where I made a stop with Sampson on my late journey up the Bay.
This party consisted of:
(Winga)   Chi-men-an-chu ("John Bull")
(Nuliana) Kok-en-zhun ("Nancy")
          New-wen-chee father of very pretty ^[[An-yeu-lith-erating?]]
          Kol-ling-oo, nou-le-an ^[[w 1]] of OO-Suu-Kar-lou whose other wife is Auk-Chang-nuny
The [[strikethrough]] two [[/strikethrough]] first 2 were being brought with [[Thrin?]] Tupirk & adjunts with the object of remainng at the vessel or at Ou-birn-See-O-ping.
the latter (2) expected to return to where Kou-Cher-an-Chow (Sampson) ^[[& other Innuits]] now are, near Que-ine.
    The report they co-jointly made was: that I would find it nearly impossible to proceed to the head of Tu-nuk-jok-pirng-goo-se-one, (Frobisher Bay) by means of dogs & sledge, as the distance they had come was done [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] under great labor & doubtful circumstances, & as much of the ice they had passed over the day preceding this, had drifted away sea-ward.
    Their only reason of leaving where they were, was on account of the ice breaking up & fast leaving.  This was no