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[[centered]] [[encircled]] 16 [[/encircled]] [[/centered]] [[flush right]] 16 [[/flush right]]

[[ left margin boxed]] 1861
May 28
Tues [[/left margin boxed]]

Who of the Civilized World can be at a loss in [[underlined]] knowing what were my feelings at this particular time - on this particular occasion, & on this particular spot!  Need I attempt to describe them? [[/underlined]] Turn back to the record of Saturday May 11th - See there what oral history was communicated to me [[insertion]] on [[underlined]] that day [[/underlined]] [[/insertion]] by the oldest living Innuit of these regions [[insertion]] of [[/insertion]] Eternal ice & Snow, O-ku-ju-a-ju-ni-no! 
[[underlined]] In my hand a relic of an Expedition that visited that land [[/underlined]] [[insertion]] (then [[/insertion]] before me) [[underlined]] only Eighty Six years after the discovery of America by Columbus, [[/underlined]] & since that brief visitation, [[underlined]] unknown to the civilized World! [[/underlined]] This relic more precious [[insertion]] to me [[/insertion]] than [[underlined]] the Gold [[/underlined]] which Frobisher sought here under the direct patronage of Queen Elizabeth.  Until [[underlined]] now [[/underlined]], no proof that Frobisher & his Expedition ever visited [[underlined]] this particular Bay [[/underlined]].  I have now gathered such facts among this people, the noble

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[[centered]] [[encircled]] 17 [[/encircled]] [[/centered]] [[flush right]] 17 [[/flush right]]

[[left margin box]] 1861
May 28
Tues [[/left marginbox]]

Innuits, as establish [[underlined]] the fact [[/underlined]] that Frobisher did discover this particular Bay, called [[underlined]] "Frobisher Straits" [[/underlined]] on the charts & Maps of the present day [[underlined]] on the supposition [[/underlined]] that its waters connect with the North western part of Hudson Straits.  It is by [[underlined]] Supposition [[/underlined]] also, that these waters are placed where they are represented on the Charts & Maps of the present day.  [[underlined]] A good guess [[/underlined]] has been made by [[underlined]] somebody [[/underlined]] that knew not of a better place to locate Frobisher's discovery than [[underlined]] somewhere [[/underlined]] between the latitude [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] say about [[/insertion]] 64° 25' N. & the Latitude North [[insertion]] termination [[/insertion]] of Resolution Island, that being the only [[underlined]] undetermined location of coast West side of Davis Straits. The Geographical determination of the Coasts of Southern portions of Greenland drove "Frobisher's Strait" away from there!  Where else [[/underlined]] could it be [[underlined]] supposed [[/underlined]] that Frobisher's discovery existed, than in [[underlined]] some unexplored place, such as was known to be between the Latitudes named? [[/underlined]]