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Wednesday, May 29th 1861
One year ago to day the "George Henry" left the shores of America. It seems to me a short year, though spent in Regions that to most of the people of the United States ^ [[insertion]] it would strike them [[/insertion]] as repulsive - ^ [[insertion]] as [[/insertion]] [[underlined]] desolation without qualification. [[/underlined]] Still, I like this country - not as a place for spending all my life [[strikethrough]] here [[/strikethrough]], if it be one of four score & ten - but for [[underlined]] Work [[/underlined]] to be continued 3 or 5 years.

The Morning was fine till 10 AM after that hour cloudy & unpropitious. Have spent the day in writing. Tuk-oo-li-too as she came in this morning seemed happy at our early return though she regretted I could not carry out my longed for visit to the head of Frobisher Bay
Little Innuit girl Oo-kood-lean came gently in at this hour (4 P.M.) to stay with us. I have given her a bed on a Sea-chest made up of my coat blanket & other extras.

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Thursday, May, 30th 1861

This morning indication of a fair day. I therefore sent the little Innuit boy to awaken Ebierbing telling him I wished him to accompany me to Sing-eye-yen a place at the N. entrance to Rescue Bay. My purpose was to take angles going there of each side of the bay - [[strikethrough]] to locate [[/strikethrough]] to make also observations determining the latitude & longitude of said land at the entrance of [[strikethrough]] said [[/strikethrough]] this Bay.

A half hour found Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too here - the former getting my rifle in readiness for shooting Seals on our way there. While making my own preparations for this tramp I discovered Tuk-too-li-too busily sewing heels of Ook-juke skin on my Kum-ming (Native Boots) unsilicited - unasked. Thus she anticipates all my necessities in way of clothing ^ [[insertion]] (or "skinning") [[/insertion]] & foot gear.

We made arrangements that Kood-loo should in course of the [[strikethrough]] free [[/strikethrough]] day start in season with a small sledge & three fine dogs to meet us at Sing-eye-yen for the object of assisting us back.

I & Ebierbing started at IX A.M.
Pac[[?]] III [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] 
[[drawing of triangle with pennant at top; navigational symbol?]] Course 121°
Vessel bore by A [[?]] compass 301°
Budington Mount 232°.5
Cyrus W Field Mt head of Bay 248°