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[[boxed]] 1861 May 30 Thurs [[/boxed]]

[[Relly?]] [[strikethrough]] started [[/strikethrough]]  at 8h-45m AM
[[??]] to return 11-34 
The above 2 ^[[lines]] from orig. notes July 29/60 Hall

Friday May 31st 1861
Needle on locker at VIII Stand 40ยบ at Merid 42!  (9 hours)
This Morning I wrote long letter to Capt. B. giving him account of my return - the reasons & the News in general.  The Innuits with teams started at 12 o'clock M. - gave him statement of my attempt to explore toward entrance to this Bay. - of my hopes to see him at Og-Bisn-Seer-O-pring in few days.
Tuk-oo-h-tu caught a fall down our steps leading from the gang way to the ice to-day.  Any one coming up or going down said steps have to "look out."  The step-ladder is too short with nearly an empty ship to meet the ice consequently Pork barrells have been brought into use to lengthen it out.  They nock together ^[[as]] a ship in a storm when humanity is upon them.  The [[strikethrough]] [[?]] swing was too great for T. so down she went.  [[Annuasbring?]] & 2 wives off to-day for OoKoodlewr the 2 wives drawing sledge, like dogs.

[[Line across page]]
Saturday, June 1 - 1861

   This Morning fine.  As Ebierbing was not up in season for breakfast, I concluded to take Ohirnermchu (John Bull) for my company to explore the coast & extreme of land on North side Rescue Bay to the extremes.  Before starting compared Chronometers the George Henry's being the standard it remaining fixed on Board.

  Rescue's Chro.                    1-19-36.5
  George H's " [[ditto for Chro.]]  1-07-00

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

June 1st

Compared the same immediately on return
   Rescue's 14^[[h]]-22^[[m]]-37.5^[[s]]
   G.H.     14-10-00
Morn Diff----  12-36.5
Diff while out---  1.

[[start column]]
[[Paces?]] III.50        Course 189[[degree symbol]]
[[image: flag]] Budington Mt.   288[[degree symbol]]
Paces [[image:5 hatch marks]] Course 173[[degree symbol]].5

Paces 1.50    course 178[[degree symbol]]
[[image: flag]]  Vessel          360

Paces [[image: 6 hatch markes]].65   Course 141
[[image: flag]]  Bud. Mt.     321

P. [[image: 2 hatch marks]]     Course 149
P. [[image: 4 hatch marks]]     " {ditto for: Course]] 162
P. [[image: 2 hatch marks]]     " {ditto for: Course]] 204

Arrived at a point extending out into the Bay where I make observations
By Chro 16^[[h]]-15^[[m]]
[[Less?]] 4-38
  Add     11-37 Rescue H. Time

[[end column]]
[[start column]]

Observations (Meridional) for Latitude &c.

4[[^h]]-26^[[m]]-40^[[s]]    98[[degree symbol]]-1.0^[[Azimuth]]
   31-10              2 (120)
   35-00              3 (118)
   37-25              4
   40-50              4 (117)
   43-25              3
   46-30        98{degree symbol]]-00 (116)
   51-00        97-55 (113)
   53-35           53 (112)
   54-15           43 (110)

[[line across column]]
V^[[h]]-3  [[image: circle with dot at center next to a vertical line]] to S.E. Extreme of land S. side Rescue Bay
Extreme Hall Island
By sextant 68[[degree symbol]]-42'
[[image: circle within parentheses with dot at center and a diagonal line through it]] From Noon Marker in Mountain
South side Bay (Easterly)
to ^[[S.E.]] Extreme Hall Island 
     By Sextant = = 47[[degree symbol]]-30'

Right [[Gang?]]. Hall Island to
Left " [[ditto for [[Gang?]] ]] 5[[degree symbol]]-30'

[[end column]]