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June 1st
Ebierbing & Kood-loo started out on a Took-too hunt this Morn but had not proceeded far before Seals arrested their attention. They shot [[strikethrough]] one [[/strikethrough]] two - (one each-) & returned with them this Eve. The four Innuits now here are having a grand feast to-night. If I had not made my civilization supper I would liked it right well to participate with them. To-morrow [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] start [[strikethrough]] back three off [[/strikethrough]] 3 dog teams ^[[insertion]] start off [[/insertion]] & Kum-mi-tis with casks.

[[image - cross]] June 2d 1861
AM 32°
M 43
PM 28°
I the 1st one up. Called Cook - then Steward - then commenced letter to my friend Capt. B. Before concluding it on arrival at IX of Se-Ko-Se-Can Innuits (Six) who were accompanied by "Bay and Taylor" (old SeKo) Finished 6 pages to Capt. B. - Told him News - & asked for Team of dogs to make trip of 3 or 4 days to land South Side R. Bay (Between F & B Bays) At XI Sharkey - John Bull & Dick each with team of dogs started off having casks & an old lady Innuit who evidently will live but few days. These 3 Innuit dog drivers induced SeKo-Sealer Innuits to let them and their dogs to the teams. I have gained information of the Seko-Selers that they have visited the Hudson Bay Company ships as they pass up & down every year. These fellows & their noolianas & young boys are well clothed (skinned) & fat. The story communicated to Ebierbing 

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[[image - cross]] 
of the ^ [[insertion]] former [[/insertion]] fighting propensities of various parties of the Innuits that live on the shores adjoining "Hudson Strait". These same formerly practised by Innuits here The 1st smoke of one of the Seko Se-ler Innuits!

Monday, June 3d 1861
A.M. 30° 28.175 Wind N.E. strong light snow 
M. 32° 28.250 " [[ditto for: Wind]] NE Mod. gale 
PM 30 28.250  " [[ditto for: Wind]] N.E. Fresh Wind - spitting snow
Again stormy weather! Rare, indeed is it that we have a fine day. At IX a Gale commenced

Names of Innuits from Se-Ko Se-ler
{(Winga) Ook-goo [[strikethrough]] k [[/strikethrough]] -al-lo ^ [[insertion]] 5 - 5 1/2 [[/insertion]] (signified [[underlined]] big Seal [[/underlined]] 
{Noo-loo-an-a; Pit-tik-gee ft. in
                           5 - 3
                           ft. in.
{(Son) Koo-too             4 - 9
                           ft  in
{(Son) (young) Ti-ung-nuk  3 - 7
                           ft. in
[(Wing-a) Too-look-ka-ah Step father of "Jack".
                           5   6
                           ft. in
[(Noo-loo-an-u) Koo-mony   5   4
Name of an Innuit that accompanied the above from ^ [[insertion]] Sampson's [[?]] (5ft - 11in = = "SE-KO" - (Bayard Taylor) [[/insertion]]