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[[encircled]] 3 [[/encircled]]
At 3 o'clock P.M. Kum-muk-sin (dogs & sledge) under the care of Chimerarchu ("John Bull") returned from Budingtonville (Og-bien-seen-o-ping) accompanied by Neb-e-u-zhan (Innuit woman)  On the sledge was a mast or rather spar with Blacke that came of the wrecked Traveller.
The Steward hastened out for a letter I expected from my esteemed friend Capt. B.  A few moments found a rich treat in my hands which reads as follows:
" "Budington Ville, June 3d, 1861. 7 A.M.
Dear Friend Hall,
The mail leaves to day for Rescue Harbor.  I am now going to give you a description of our village. We have 16 tents here well filled - a fortification for the Cook - a tall flag-staff with a dirty blanket with [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] yellow stripes - for our motto: 'God Save the Innuits'!
So much for that [[strikethrough]] Mes [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]] News. [[/insertion]] Now for the weather & water. - - 
We have got a light breeze from E. & snow - the water is making fast to-day - the ice has been closed for 2 days - All Well. Please tell the Steward to give that old husky 20 Balls, 1 Box of Caps & 1 pound of powder for a dog that I have got down here.
I sent you "Joe's" ^ [[insertion]] [Ebirbing's] dogs H. [[/insertion]] & Kood-loo's dog, & 

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[[encircled]] 4 [[/encircled]]
Johnny's Bull's dog which will make a good team.  I have dogs enough left at present.  The Mail will leave here again to-morrow morning for the ship. [[underlined]] I hear from the natives that several [[strikethrough]] l [[/strikethrough]] Cod-lu-ners [Whites H.] died at Se-ko Se-ler.  Please make some enquiries of them ^ [[insertion]] [Se-ko Se-lars] H [[/insertion]] now on [[/underlined]] board. S. B. " 
[[circled]] 1st thought's on receiving Capt. B.'s note of Capt. Chapell & 2 ships [[/encircled]]
The sheet, or rather ^ [[insertion]] the [[/insertion]] [[underlined]] piece [[/underlined]] of paper on which above was written completely filled, so that Capt B. was not able to put his usual "X.Q.P." [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] his name.  Simply "S.B." (for Sidney O. Budington) as above.  As I sat on a Sea-chest in the Main Cabin reading his letter (the steward listening by me) we both were expecting a [[underlined]] "blowing up"! [[/underlined]] letter for not sending more casks with the teams of dogs: But happily [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] our escape from a castigation was effected though the sentiment of Capt. B. [[underlined]] Whatever is is! [[/underlined]]

Relative to the last 3 lines (underscored as above) of Capt. B's note, I took [[underlined]] immediate [[/underlined]] steps [[underlined]] to learn all [[/underlined]] pertaining to the same as I anticipated that as the Seko-Selar dogs had returned our Seko-Selar friends would soon depart.

I therefore sent for Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too to hasten on board (the former was out on the ice a distance from the vessel, the latter at their tupik on Crow on Whale Island, distant 1/4 of a mile).  They both responded by appearing in the Cabin in