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The sketch which Ook-goo[[strikethrough]] k [[/strikethrough]] -al-lo has drawn me extends ^[[from]] above [[underlined]] "Fox's Farthernest" [[/underlined]] down to King's Cape, thence along the North shore Hudson Strait to "North Bay". "North Bluff" is [[strikethrough]] adjn [[/strikethrough]] adjoining said Bay, & is called by Innuits
King's Cape of Fox is called by Innuits
Where Parry leaves a blank, are deep Bays mostly flanked by low lands. Between the waters of Hudson's Strait at said point & the Westerly extension of Frobisher Bay land low & narrow. Last year ^[[in the Summer]] Ook-good-allo & Too-look-ka-oh ^[[(Ak-lo-kee)]] with their families started from Se-ko - Se-lan They travelled as Innuits generally do with their families, [[underlined]] very slow. [[/underlined]] In the fall of 1860 they arrived at the head waters of Tin-nu-jpk Ping-goo-see-ong (Frobisher Inlet) The place on said extreme water called See-See-Ark-Tu-A.

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Oook-good-al-lo marked out the sketch map his tra^[[c]]k taking me along from Se-ko-se-lak to the place where he ^[[& company]] commenced the land route from Hudson Strait to head of Frobisher Bay.
During this last winter Ook-gook-al-lo & his family Too-look-da-ah & his
made their way down the Bay till they came across Koo-Choo-ar-choo ("Sampson") & the Innuits that I saw in my trip up Frobisher Bay last month.
Into the Bay See-see-ark-tu-a, the extreme of Frobisher Bay, runs a river ^[[of fresh water]] sometimes very large.  Salmon in great abundance are caught here.
At Noo-ook-jua plenty of [[strikethrough]] P[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Took-too (Rein deer) & Geese.
Ook-goo[[strikethrough]] k [[/strikethrough]] 0 al-lo says ships do not come in sight at Se-Ko - Se-lah or of Noo-ook-ju-a; but his father, Koo-ook-jum, told him that that many years ago two ships came close to Noo-ook-ju-a (King's Cape) 

Transcription Notes:
I changed "truck" to "track" at the top of the 2nd page.