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[[boxed]] 1861 4 June Tues June [[/boxed]]
Bay (Called [[insert]] the Channell So. internal[[??]] [[/insert]]  "Ben's Sound")
PM observations on Island G.H.
for Time IX-9-55-59ยบ-05' (Cloudy (by Pocket [[??]])
           14-00 58-10  
           15-50 57-43
[[boxed]] See Supplement Working Up [[/boxed]]
At six this eve, Que=jej-se & Kop-e-neu-ong (Charley) each with team of dogs & sledge
arrived from Budginton Ville. They started at VIII AM. but stopped on the way to seal - 
therefore the time [[strikethrough]] [[??]] [[/strikethrough]] (lateness) of their arrival. 
The "Mail" of course was thus late in coming in. The following was my share of contents:
Budington Ville June 4th 1861 My old friend Mr. Hall, - Sir: - I am well - How are you?
We have got 4 Boats off to-day in search of Whales. Good luck to them. 
Please tell the Steward to send me 20 of the 2 inch spikes - the Box of Salts & the bag
of shot in my room that is opened - the roll of [[??]]Caps that is also opened - also t save 
all the seal blubbers that is yet [[strikethrough]] here [[/strikethrough]] there, & mince
it in those barrells on the 

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[[start page]]

[[boxed]] 1861 June 4 Tues [[/boxed]]
ice. Let Steward give no one Malapes[[??]] but "Joe" & "Hannuk" (Ebierbing & Tuk-ar-li-too)
& those that are at works. [[underlined]]  Be careful [[/underlined]] for God's sake. Amen
X.Q.P. S.O. Budington 
At same hour of receiving this, being on deck with glass in hand, I saw Ebirebing at the N.W.
returning on the ice dragging a fine, large seal after him. [[strikethrough]] and his [[/strikethrough]]
Kood-loo returned with one of the teams from below, having been in that direction seaking to-day.
He was not succesful. I must now write letter to Capt. B. for the return Mail of to-morrow. Must write
it to-night as I start on my exploring trip to-morrow morning. 
X 1/2 oclock night. I have just returned from a visit to the Tupiks on Whale Island where I went
a few minutes after supper. I found f[[??]] all the natives ^[[that came]] (at Home) 
[[strikethrough]] [[??]] [[/strikethrough]] out on the rocks at play at an Innuit game of Ball except 
Gule-oo-li-too who was superintending the Cooking of a large kettle of seal with her winga killed to-day. 
I participated for a while in the Ball game when it was announced Supper ready - of course I had to share   
in this too. The company consisted of Ebierbing & Tuk-oo-li-too, Chimeracha[[??]] & his nouliana[[??]],
Kokenzhuis, Kood-loo & wife, Oo-kood-lean & several other children Innuits. I may also add the old - the
venerable lady O-ku-ju-a-ju-ni-noo tho' not exactly present was ^[[in her little Tupata]] within 
voice-distance eating og the same feast at the same moment. 
The supper was a good one (tho' my 2d) eaten out in the open air within view of any mountains - miles of
Rescue Bay extending away down to the extreme of the land between Frobisher