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What is that? [[strikethrough]] Nothing [[/strikethrough]]

The briny [[?swarming]], tumbled [[?gummed]], [[strikethrough]] tumbled [[/strikethrough]], Rocked, struck,  rocked, turned skyward slowed [[?]] summersaulted(?) & all that sort of thing up & down down & up - this way & - that way round & round crosserways & hit a [[?corner end]].  - The result of all this to a white man [[strikethrough]] just [[/strikethrough]] fresh from civilization is sickness - sea-sickness! If at sea - if not at sea [[underlined]] death [[/underlined]].  [[strikethough]] In a [[/strikethrough]] This notion on place, or South [[strikethrough]] will a man stand [[/strikethrough]] when one can swim more terrible experiences than his [[strikethrough]] at 1st time [[/strikethrough]] 1st [[strikethrough]] time [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] at sea [[/underlined]]