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[[underlined]] Sat. Ju 2/60 Sat. [[underlined]]
June 2/60.  Sat. Eve.
X O'Clock at Night.   Now I'm on my way to the far North.  The George Henry beares me on * on.  Ere many days & I shall be where my souls has been for years.  God, grant my mission may be well filled & I return to the bosom of civilization bearing the fruits hard earned, they may be, yet the [[underlined]] kindly [[/underlined]] fruits I so long have sought. 

To-morrow is the Sabbath, [[underlined]] the day of all others the best. [[/underlined]]  God grant it may prove so to my soul.  Prepare me O God for its duties.  May I, by my precept & example, teach others of Thy Mercies & tender kindness.  I am a poor sinner Thou Knowest it O Father.  Let Jesus be my friend.  Aye, may He be the Friend & Savior of my dear ones from [[strikethrough]] whom are [[/strikethrough]] whom I am now being borne far away.