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^[[ [[underlined]] Sun. Ju 3/60 [[/underlined]] ]]
[[underlined]] C. F. Hall [[/underlined]]
Sunday Eve X o'clock June 3rd 1860
This is my 1st Sabbath on board to "George Henry" - the 1st Sabbath at Sea. One week ago & I was at Capt S.O. Buddington. Groton. Now I say since embarking - Little have I accomplished in pursuing my studies on writing in my journal. Really I have felt as I cannot well describe - Even the little work of keeping the Metron[[?]]- and table ^[[since starting]] has been too much for my poor thick heavy brain. But I hope soon to become one of old ocean sons. Neptune will find in me a poor but willing subject. There is nothing like getting used to it. To-day from the stern of the vessel I watched the movements of a little flock of Mother Ca[[?]] Chicken. Poor birds, thought I, this continually on the wing [[strikethrough]] dancers [[/strikethrough]] far away from shore.  But they seemed sportive witted - dancing up and down ^[[as]] [[strikethrough]] like [[/strikethrough]] the uneven waves of the sea - now dipping slightly the tips of their wings then bring away to [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] absent mates bring them [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] to greet the passing ship. 
To-day we have made great progress, the wind being Westerly & strong & our course E. by N. - How much a [[?]] 8 to 9 knots per hour. 
[[strikethrough]] S[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] During the day one of London Pac[[?]] ^[[under full sail]] here in sight & passed on to the East. 
I must begin to classify my labors & exercises etc. must devote such hours to reading - study & writing such to exercise & such to reflection - & such to sleep. I [[underlined]] must [[/underlined]] commence letters for I may soon have opportunity to [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] send home.