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^[[ [[underlined]] Wed Jn 13/60 [[/undelrined]] ]]
Wednesday, June 13th 1860. IX o'Clk eve
On board "George Henry" (Noon Lat. 48[[degree symbol]]-00 by observation) Long. 50[[degree symbol]]-00 (By estimation)
We are now East of Bonavista Bay, Newfoundland, headed due North, the [[insertion]] ship [[/insertion]] masts full sail going at a fine rate [[strikethrough]] under [[/strikethrough]]  [[insertion]] with [[insertion]] a S.W.-breeze.
Close watch is now kept [[insertion]] on the bow [[/insertion]] for icebergs! They are frequently fallen in with at a lower lat. [[strikethrough]] That [[/strikethrough]] than this. The thermometer fell just at night at a rapid rate indicating icebergs [[strikethrough]] [[?]] ^[[ice]] f[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] near. 
Foggy weather still prevails.  We have now been out 16 Days and only 4 of [[strikethrough]] that]] ^[[those]] without fog. ^[[With that [[?]] ]] the fog [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ^ has been continuous night & day. But thanks [[strikethrough]] for the excellent sense [[/strikethrough]] for the [[strikethrough]] excellent superior talent [[/strikethrough]] excellent & justly emminent Navigator who has the "George Henry" in charge Capt. S.O. Budington