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With him it matters not - rain or shine, fog or fair, darkness or light - Cold or warm  - all in the same to him so far as fishing [[underlined]] at home [[/underlined]] on the sea. He marks out his every course eve he embarks - once embarked he follows his [[strikethrough]] tracks [[/strikethrough]] chart. that [[?]] [[underlined]] spend out [[?]] in his head. [[/underlined]]
When [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[a few days]] out of New London he told me at such a time we shall be on the Grand Banks of N. [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] 1/2 hour [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] ahead of time we were there. [[strikethrough]] Such [[/strikethrough]] rains & fogs had prevailed for several days peceeding, this that prevented any observation for Lat. & Long. & yet [[strikethrough]] [[?]] within cabin [[/strikethrough]] his promise was redeemed & all this t[[?]] [[?]] being [[stirkethrough]] the boys [[?]] an [[?]] [[?]] up [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] dead reckoning for his courses. With him dead rec^[[k]]oning is [[underlined]] dead in truth, [[/underlined]] for he has discarded it as [[strikethrough]] [[?]] ^[[believing it simply]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] guess work! [[/underlined]]