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[[left margin vertical in red]] 
June 2_ 
[[\left margin vertical in red]]
^[[see preceeding notes (say from June 5 to 20 June) in package titled original only [[strikethrough]] notes [[/stirikethrough]]
Men around brih[[?]] to extreme land etc.
C.F.H. Mar. 9/60]]
[[strikethrough]] Wednesday [[\strikethrough]] ^[[Thursday]] June 20th 1861
This morning, tho cloudy and thick at the S.& S.W. yet pleasant to what it has been. The Sun shone out for a while this morning & now & then this P.M. Ebirnbing & Koodloo started off this Morning with dogs & sledge directing their course toward  Sing-eye-jen for Sealing. John Bull (Chi-mu-ar-chu) started out sealing also. We may expect fresh meat with our "Salt-Junk" even as these Sealers come in.
This eve after Steward & Cook had turned in, going up on deck, who  should I then meet but Ku-jes-se who had just arrived ^[[(1X PM)]] from "Budington ville"?  He came for [[underlined]]"Coffee"[[\underlined]] as will be seen by the Note of Capt B. which I have copy for its laconic, pithey style which, indeed, little more in a few words of the discouragements [[strikethrough]] of [[\strikethrough]] the noble band of Whalers belonging to the "George Henry" is [[strikethrough]] are [[strikethrough]] experiencing than any thing I can say.

Transcription Notes:
Edited to reflect insertions, other minor changes like changing word 'cross-out' to 'strikethrough' per instructions