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Saturday, June 22d 1861

AM. 34[[degree symbol]] Wind Light! thick fog
M. 46 " [[ditto for: Wind]] N.E. Fresh - Cloudy
PM 35 " [[ditto for: Wind]] N.E.  " " [[dittos for: Fresh Cloudy]]

Well, here I am on the N. shore of the waters of Tu-nuk-jok-ping-goo-see-ong otherwise, Bay of Frobisher, [[underlined]] my Tupik facing it. [[/underlined]]  
My last act, or nearly so, on bidding another adieu to the "George Henry" & my Innuit friends of [[?Kneu-gum-mi-uke]], was to compare Chronometers

Rescue's    X (D/21st) hXI-m04-s16 32 Beats
G. Henry's X-51-00 
R's fast on G.H. 13m-16s

[[note]] X 2 21st inserted this day Aug. 20/63 Hall [[/note]]

Supper over, I was in readiness for a start.  I had my traps [[underlined]]"bagged" [[/underlined]] - at least the portions that were not instrumental.  My clothing & feet gear had been put in complete repair by Tuk-oo-li-too who worked with "a [[underlined]] will" [[/underlined]] to the very last moment.

At hX-m24 Chro. (or - less h4m40) = h6-m44 PM Rescue Harbor time, I started in company with my Innuit friend,

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed & amended for consistency with balance of transcription