Viewing page 29 of 661

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1861 June 23d +
Meridian Ob. for Latitude

Sun obscured almost - by clouds.
        h  m  s | - | Time from At Noon | - 
        4-27-30      101º-05'    14-53  211.7
        4-36-15      101-14-30   5-48    33.6
        4-40-30      101-18-00   1-33     2.4
        4-50-00      101-14-00   7-57    63.2
        -------      ---------           ----
     4) 17-34-15   4)404 51-30         4)310.9
        -------      ---------           ----
        4-23-33.7  2)101-12-52            77.7
                     ---------             193
                     50-36-26            -----
                         1-41            2331
                     --------            779
                     50-38-07            ----
                        15-52         60)101,10     [[circled]] 1'-41" [[/circled]]
                     --------            60         [[line drawn from the circle to the 1-41 in the
                     50-53-59           ---           left column of calculations]]
                           46            41

4-42-03       4-42-03      4-42-03     4-42-03
  27-30       4-36-15      4-20-30     4-50-00
-------       -------      -------     -------
  14-33          5-48        19-33        7-57

[[line across page]]

P.M. Observations for Time
h  -  m  -  s                 72º-26' 51 va      23-26-38.4                          per h
VIII - 22 - 45                71-42  50                21.3 correction               2,6
       26 - 10                71-07              ----------                          8.19
       29 - 00                70-31              23-26-17                            -----
       31 - 40                70-00    48        90-00-00                            21.3
       34 - 10                69-18              --------                             
       37 - 22                68-47              66-33-43 [[line drawn from          .12612
       39 - 35             ---------                        this value down           12706
      ---------            7) 493-51                        to same value in          -----     12706
    7) 220 - 42              --------                       middle column]]              84        73
      ---------            2) 70-33              33632                                   52     -----
    VIII-31-31.7             --------            33608                                -----     12633
       3-49-29               35-16-30            -----                                  168
    ------------                15-54               24                                 420
       4-42-03               --------                3                                -----
 ---------------             35-32-24            -----                             64)4368(72
   VIII-31-317                   1-21           60)72 (                               420
        20-00                --------           -------                               ----
      --------               35-31-03           037 38                                 168
     8-11-21 3h-51m-28s      62-32-58           037 44                                 120
  ----------  4-20-08        66-33-43           ------                                 ---
     3-49-29                ---------                6                                  48
Ent     1-55              2)164-37-44               43
  ----------                ---------           -------                           86271
   3-51-24                   82-18-52           60)258 (4                         86259
              531            35-31 03              240                            -----
               8.2          ---------             ----                               12
             -----          46-47-49                                                 49
             1062                               .33609                            -----
            4248                                .03740                              108
            ------                                                                  48
            43542                       [[written vertically]]                   ------
                                         h    m    s                            60) 588(9
1-50.82                                 VIII-31-32                                  540
   4.35                                    3-51-24                                  ---
-------                                    4-40-08                                   48
1-55.17                                 [[/vertically]]
                                                                           h   m   s
                                        9.1  2633                          3 - 49 - 29  = PM.
[[end page]]                            9.86269                            
[[start page]]                          -------
1861 June 23 +                        2) 19.36251

Three boats have been off to-day to get wood for fuel.  They brought in boat loads of the wrecked "Traveller" - a large whaling ship lost just a little way S.Eastward of here, three years ago.  The shores here are thickly strewn with that wreck.  The stern portion lies "high & dry" on an Island near.  Not a particle of rotten wood is to be seen in any obtained.  In truth, wood is preserved in these regions.

[[?Oheringkoo]], an enterprising go-ahead Innuit, returned from sealing to-day.  He brought in 5 fresh water seals (some shot & others speared).  They are of beautiful [[?malleted]] color.  What a fine dress their furs would make !

I find the "George Henry's" company living high - Ducks' eggs - Ducks, Walrus & Seal!  The season for eggs has just arrived & I have arrived just [[underlined]] 'in season' [[/underlined]] for them!  My coffee is [[underlined]] "creamed" [[/underlined]] by beating up a raw duck's egg in it - just as the others do.

Monday, June 24th 1861.

A.M.  37° Wind very light N.E. - Fine Weather
N  40° " " " " " " [[dittos for: Wind very light N.E. - Fine Weather]]
P.M.  33° " " " [[dittos for: Wind very light]] N.W. " " [[dittos for: Fine Weather]]

Once more the prospect is encouraging that we are to have fair weather.  The morning is fine.  Kim-gaite with her miles of Mountain Wall - her Glaciers - her snows, looks grandeur like.  I see him now.  I must be on the move to-day - going up or down the coast & draughting it.  Bear Sound of Frobisher is but a short distance Easterly of this.
To-day (8 A.M.) Capt. Budington with 2 Boats & 2 Boats' Crews started up the Bay purposing to cruise to determine whether there are whales here or not.  He does not expect to return under 2 or 3 days.
Two Boats have been out to-day [[strikethrough]] into the Bay [[/strikethrough]] cruising for whales but without sighting any. 

Transcription Notes:
The observations are not presented in a way which lends itself to transcription. Needs an expert at the Smithsonian to transcribe these in a way that gives them some coherency!