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^[[3 pages]]

Wednesday July 3d 1861

AM  35°  28,425  N.W.  Light  Rain - Sun
M  44°  28.300  Cloudy
PM  32°  28.300  S W  Fresh " [[ditto for: Cloudy]] but some Sun
(Ice formed thick last night)

A short time after we had all turned in, last night (X-20) Lamb & Smith with their Boats crews from Budington ville arrived - all quite as tired out as were we when we arrived.  Steward & Cook were soon out doing up good things for  the In-man.
They started yesterday (Tuesday) Noon. 
Rogers has caught a Walrus since we came.  Boats have been out Egging - each getting a very large tub full in a few hours.  A Rein deer shot at Sharke, by an Innuit.  Lamb & Smith have brought up, as Smith says, 4 Turkies for Fourth of July! - they are [[underlined]] Ducks [[/underlined]] - but we must call them as Smith does to make us feel we are at Home.  Also 14 Doz. eggs were brought for the Coming Fourth.
Steward is busily engaged making pies & other good "fixings" for to-morrow.  We expect to celebrate the "Fourth", though far from Home.  We are in the Land of the Free - among a people the [[underlined]] free-est [[/underlined]] on

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1861 July 3d Wedns

God's Earth!  Then why should we not remember the day & commemorate it in a becoming manner?
Washington, United States of America, Liberty, Independence, Virtue, Glory, Happiness.  The people the governed [[underlined]] & Government. [[/underlined]]  These are expressions that do [[underlined]] the heart good [[/underlined]] to dwell upon - here - every where.

The men of "George Henry" have been restowing in the hold to-day - also been getting on board barrels of fresh [[underlined]] water [[/underlined]] that are intended for the Whaling cruise around in Frobisher Bay as soon as ice will admit of it in this Bay.  This water was taken from the pools that are so abundant every where on the ice.  It is pure, clear & limpid.

It is now IX P.M.  In three hours, Rescue Harbor Time, The Fourth - the glorious Fourth of July!  Every great - good bad - indifferent - every pistol do. do. on board the "George Henry" is charged ready for 12 O'Clock, when the men of this vessel meet by pre-concerted plans [[strikethrough]] on deck [[/strikethrough]] to give the loud & patriotic welcome to the natal day of our loved Country!  The "stars & stripes" already beautify the main Cabin.  Soon to the breeze, away up