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1861 July Fourth Thurs.

match & started to run, vessel-ward, as for dear life.  [[strikethrough]] Less than [[/strikethrough]]  "Quick as a flash", [[underlined]] down he tumbled [[/underlined]] on to "all fours", his 'Sou-wester' keeping up the race he had began from the momentum he had given it.  The 'Sou Wester' however soon came to a stop, while Capt. B. had gained a running position, passing it without even a farewell look.  [[underlined]] Flash, flash [[/underlined]] went the train, while [[underlined]] around-around [[/underlined]] sped the Capt.
Just as he was mounting the ladder at the Gangway, the grand explosion filled the air.  Into how many pieces that gun was instantly converted would be hard to tell, but this much we saw & heard, - many of its fractured parts mounted high in the air, whizzing-Whirring, Whirlling this way & that, some flying far over the vessel.  One piece a short time after was picked up near Cooper's Island, a distance little less thatn 1/4 of a mile.  The [[underlined]] wreck [[/underlined]] around the spot where "Sebastapol", jr. took its last leap was [[underlined]] "too numerous to mention". [[/underlined]]  Black as Erebus was that before mentioned spot, from the marks in the snow of the [[underlined]] "all [[?Furse]]" [[/underlined]] of the Capits were completely painted in sable!