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Saturday, July 6th 1861

AM 36 [[degree symbol]] - 28,250 N.W. Fresh Fair yet clouds.
M            W.      "   " " " [[dittos for: Fresh Fair yet clouds.]]
P.M. 38 - 28 W.      "   " " " [[dittos for: Fresh Fair yet clouds.]]

                      h   m    s
Compared Chro's R's.  1 - 17 - 00
G.H.  [[underline]] 1 - 03 - 10 [[/underline]] 20/2 
                          13 - 50
                           m - s

After dinner, I went over to Whale Island.  Called on Ebierbing whom I found quite ill.  He complained last eve when aboard.  Capt B. gave him some medicine.  He is unable to sit up. I trust 1 or 2 days will find him out again.  Spending an hour with him & his noolooana Tuk-ou-li-too, I left with telescope in hand for the top of this rock-Island.  I took a ground view.  Was elated to find that only Six miles to open clear Sea - the dark, blue waters of Davis Strait.  The ice from the Cape N.-side entrance to Rescue Bay across to the others (or S. side), within 4 miles of Sylvia Grinnell Island had drifted away leaving as free, clear Waters for Navigation as the "G. Henry" requires.

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1861 July 6th Sat.

From this Island I passed to "Look-out" Island being accompanied by the little nephew of Ebierbing

The Island I found quite destitute of snow & the few grasses & flowers looking beautiful in contrast with the still snow-covered Bay & mountains all around.  I looked toward "French Head" for the dog-teams expected from Budingtonville - but could see nothing of them.  I took prolonged looks of the "Extreme Land" I lately visited.  The dark waters now extend a long way beside & this side of that land.

Tea over, while on deck, we saw several Innuits approaching on the Ice from N.W.  Our glasses showed that Ankoote & wives were coming.  He soon arrived telling us that Ugarny with his  wives & child was up at head of Bay deer-hunting - says that Ice has gone as far as Rogers Island.  The wind of to-day Ankoote says has probably cleared Whaler's Yarns. - The ship wh. found a "Stinker" [[?cut]] away on it Six weeks sides along, & finally found another ship at work with all hands at other end.