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1861  Mon July 8

Now 11 o'clk Night - A Gale from N.E. is now prevailing accompanied by heavy snow storm!  Thermometer 33° Bar 28.15  The Barometer however is not sensitive - it is out of order.  We are still fixed in the ice - perhaps water enough around the vessel to float '2 or 3' Whale Boats.  Capt. B. saw what he took to be a seal a mile N.W. from the vessel out on the ice.  He said that he had seen it out there all day & thought it about time something was done.  So just before Ten he took my rifle & made for it.  He returned without a shot.  It proved to be Rock Weed!  Some of those who went upon deck so hastily on the 1st day of April last, at the cry of 'Ni-nook! Ni-nook!!' wished from their hearts that it had been Apr. "All Fool's Day" - so strong is the remembrance of the complete success of Capt. B.'s & my trip wh. we concocted & sprung that day!

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Tuesday, July 9th 1861.

AM  33° 27.90  N.E. Gale with thick snow
M   33° 27.80  N.N.E. " " " " [[dittos for: Gale with thick snow]]
PM  38° 27.80  N.N.E. " " " " [[dittos for: Gale with thick snow]] & hail

During the night have had a severe gale sweeping over us.  I looked for it by appearances around us yesterday.  When I see the long white clouds hugging the high land South & S.W. side this Bay, then I feel sure we are to be visited by a storm.  Capt. B. remarks that he never experienced here such weather as we have had this season.  Almost constant bad weather.  The old Navigator of these Northern waters (in one sense) was more fortunate than we have been - he experienced but [[underlined]] one [[/underlined]] gale or storm while in the country.  His word was doubted, when he added:  A fact gentlemen, a fact, but [[underlined]] one that commenced when I went into the Northern Regions & ended with me when I went out! [[/underlined]]

Compared Chros.  
Rescue's  2h - 22m - 00s
G.H.      2h - 08m - 02.5s (5/2)
Difference = 13m - 57.5s [[checkmark]]