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1)  [[left margin]] Supplement [[/left margin]]

Wednesday July 10th 1861

AM  38° 28.125  N.W.  Light  Cloudy
M   43° 28.200  W. " [[ditto for: Light]] Sunpeering out
PM  34° 28.325  S.W.  Fresh snow storm!

During the night the tempestuous weather ceased.  At Meridian the pall hanging in the heavens began to give way allowing the Sun to display its cheering face once more though only now & then.

Compared Chros. few minutes (7m) after the Obs below.
= R's  7h - 11 - 00
= G.H.'s  6 - 57 - 00.5 (1/2)
Difference = 13 - 59.5 [[checkmark]]

Below P.M. observations by Capt. B. with this Quadrent from Quarter Deck of G. Henry.  Sea horizon, or rather [[underlined]] ice horizon [[/underlined]] 6 miles distant (eye 13 feet above sea)

G.H.'s Chro.
VI-48-14 | 43°-02
49-03 | 42-58
[[underlined]] 49-50 | 42-52 [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] 3) 147 07 | 3) 128-52 [[/underlined]]
VI-49-02.5 | 42°-57'-20"

[[note]] Capt. B. has worked up 1st Obvn [[underlined]] vide [[/underlined]] Supplement [[/note]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

P.M. Observations & Working Capt B's.
[[underlined]] True copy of Capt. B's Working one Ob.
Supplement, Wedns. July 10th/61

[[readings & calculations]] 

Transcription Notes:
Top half of page is an inserted sheet of paper obscuring the text of the journal. This 2nd page is transcribed a few pages on, so the bottom half of the page is not transcribed.