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(7 (B)
1861 July 13 Sat.

P.M. Observations
Large Sex -1'-30" Sub.
hVII-m36-s40 | 79°-15'
42-00 | 78-15
43-20 | 78-00
44-50 | 77-45
45-57 | 77-30
47-20 | 77-15
49-48 | 76-45
51-05 | 76-30
52-29 | 76-15 [[checkmark]] = 
53-47 | 76-00 [[checkmark]] = 
54-55 | 75-45 [[checkmark]] = 
56-10 | 75-30 [[checkmark]] = 
57-25 | 75-15 [[checkmark]] = 
58-40 | 75-00 [[checkmark]] = 
59-50 | 74-45
VIII-01-08 | 74-30 [[checkmark]] =
For the Obs. for Equal Altitude Vide 2d page before this.  
Worked up see 2d page Ante

VIII-02-47  [[symbol: Sun]] to Mt. Warwick Rt. of 2d Channel (small sex)  94°-14'
hVIII-m05-s15  73°-41'-30" (Large Sex -1'-30")

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

1861 July 13th Sat.

P.M. Obs.
(Large Sex -1'-30")
33-33 (Tuk-oo-li-too)  67°-15'
34-05 (Ebierbing)  -10
34-30 (C.F. Hall)  -05
(Tuk-oo-li-too & Ebierbing assisted in last set obs.)

Compared Chronometers on return on board
Rescue's  hIX-m24-s07 (14/2)
G.H's  IX-10-00
Difference = m-14-s07 [[checkmark]]
(Vide 3d page ante) = Rescue's Chro Fast by Obs. "Equal Alts." = 19-55
Leaving "George Hen's" Fast = 5-48
G.H.'s Chro. Fast by giving (N. London) (411) rate  3-51.5
Over given rate - [[underlined]] gain [[/underlined]] = m1-s56.5

May 28/60 to May 28/61  365
May 28/61 to June 1st/61  3
June/61  30
June to date July 13/61  13
[[Subtotal]] 411
Daily given rate Fast  .5
60) 205.5
Accumulated time to May 28/61  -26'
G.H. Chro. Total by given rate Fast 3-51.5

[[underlined]] 56.6 [[/underlined]]  .5 = Given rate, fast .28345 = per day gain over given rate
[[underlined]] 822 [[/underlined]] 
[[underlined]] 3288 [[/underlined]] .78345 Say rate (Daily) G.H.'s Chro. Fast .78 1/3 = Mean rate (Daily) since leaving New London to July 13/61
[[underlined]] 1233 [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] 1644 [[/underlined]]