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[[image - cross]] July 14 1861
AM 41[[degree symbol]] 28.45 Wind S.W. Fresh Damp & Cloudy
M 48[[degree symbol]] 28.50 " [[ditto for: Wind]] W. Modt Cloudy
PM 44 28.475 " [[ditto for: Wind]] Baffling Rain
[[strikethrough]] During the Morning This [[/strikethrough]] 
The ^[[During the morning]] ice in "Rescue Bay" at the S & SE was being broken up by the wind ^[[then]] [[strikethrough]] now [[/strikethrough]] prevailing. Capt. B. says that considerable of it was taken out sea-ward last night. The appearances from deck, when tide is up, show this to be true. Capt. B. is deeply anxious about getting out that he may prosecute the purposes of his voyage at once.
Compared Chros. R
- | h m s
R's | VIII-36-11 1/4 [[encircled]] 22 1/2 B [[/encircled]]
G.H.'s | VIII-22-00
- | [[checkmark]] 14-11 1/4 = An increase of difference of 4 1/4 seconds since yesterday!!
The Rescue's Chro. is [[underlined]] worthless [[/underlined]] for determining Longitudes.  It has no uniform rate - nor can ^[[I]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] establish one that it will approximate in maintaining.  
At 1 1/2 ^[[O'Clk]] PM 7 Innuits were seen approaching from the E. on the ^[[ice]] opening
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[[image - cross]]
from among the ^[[numerous]] islands that way.  On their approach found that Ugarny & his wives ^[[(Kunnia & Punine, & child Uenoun]]) with "Bob" (King wat-che-ung) E'-tu (short man Innuit) "Susy" (Koo-oud-le-arny aunt of Ebierbing) & "Bran New" (Ok-Ker-yer ^[[(Cooney)]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] made up the company. They left Budingtonville yesterday morning in one of the whale Boats having aboard about 12 souls beside ^[[several]] Tupiks & the appendages. The Boat, [[strikethrough]] with, 3 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[one]] "Coony's"  ^[[("Polly")]] 2 children ^[[(one of these Koo-Koo-jer)]] & Pau-loo-yer ("Blind George") were left at a point of land on this (N.) side "Rescue Bay" where I took Meridian & P.M. observations on my trip some weeks ago to the extreme of the land N. side the [[strikethrough]] B. [[/strikethrough]] entrance to the Bay. Of course they came by Boat as near as ice would admit. Yesterday P.M. they met Lamb & crew [[strikethrough]] before [[/strikethrough]] this side "Lupton Straits".  The night was spent ^[[by]] these natives where they landed, having erected their tupiks there.  The report brought by this arrival is not cheering relative to work done in Whaling. It seems that Roger's ^[[ [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] & the Innuit crews]] [[strikethrough]] have [[/strikethrough]] have not been