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out cruising for whales but once since Gardner & his men left though several^[[days]] have [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[been]] favorable enough that they might have [[strikethrough]] prosecuted [[/strikethrough]] prosecuted the work assigned them.
Capt. B. wants to be where his men are - then he is sure the proper exertions will be made. I never saw any man exceede Capt. B. in laying ^[[ [[underlined]] ^[[better,]] ^[[more]] fully matured [[/underlined]] plans before a company of men for execution with free, hearty wills. He plans in judgment. His sight is far reaching.  When ready, his sentiments & action seem to be to be:  We have this & that to do - we will do it - [[underlined]] We must do it [[/underlined]] or Williams & Haven will have good reason to say: 'You have been unprofitable, unworthy servants'.
Since the arrival of the party of natives alluded to, the already deeply anious mind of Capt B. has become still more overwhelmed in grief. Never could man try harder for others [[strikethrough]] go[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] success than does Capt. B. for
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the House that sent him out. He cares not the hundredth part on his own account as that of W. & H.   I have often of late heard him say: 'Now if I only [[underlined]] had a chance [[/underlined]] to make up a voyage I would willingly give a thousand Dollars'. Continuing:- 'Much is expected of the "George Henry" - & much should they expect - & [[underlined]] much we must do [[/underlined]] - I cannot think of returning without a Voyage.'
The elements - the Seasons - [[strikethrough]] bad [[/strikethrough]] bad weather seem to be against all the excellent plans of the noble Commander of this ship. How often does he go up ^[[on deck]] looking all around to mark the progress of the slow, dissolving ice that holds us fast? His scrutinizing eye catches hopefully at each spot of water appearance. Like a caged eagle is Capt B. - constantly restless till he can be free.  As a friend should, so do I sympathise with