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At 10 o'clock - the Innuits departed - but thanks that they have not all gone though if Ugarny had succeeded in his apparent determinations, Ebierbing, Tuk-oo-li-too, Kood-loo & (noo-li-an-a of Kood-loo) would have been lost to me. I say 'lost' from the fact I ^[[have anticipated]] [[strikethrough]] ask [[/strikethrough]] these to make up my Boat's Crew to go up to head Frobisher Bay etc. this summer.
Ugarny, I plainly saw, had poisoned the minds of these Innuits thus ^[[giving]] [[strikethrough]] making [[/strikethrough]] me much trouble in mind as to the dilemma I might soon be place relative to my ^[[exploring]] excursion plans. I laid the matter plainly before Ebierbing - he considered it - came forward like a man of noble principles & said he would remain to accompany me according to engagements. Last Summer ^[[rather Fall Ebierbing]] lost his Boat - in the same Hurricane that wrecked the Amaret ("Rescue") My craft & the boat of Koo-jes-se.  Knowing he needed one, I offered to let him have the one I expected to make my excursion in when I was through with it.  This Boat is one of the old whale Boats which Capt. B. has disposed to me.
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For some time I was doubtful about what decision E. would make - I knew Ugarny's influence was great from the shrewedness - foxy way he has. In truth I decided in my own mind that the Innuits I have named would leave me. Yet I could see that Ebierbing & his noo-loo-an-a, Tuk-oo-loo-too, had painful feelings at the prospect of leaving me.  The latter shed tears freely during the morning - she could hardly give utterance to words that she had to say to me. She said she had spent a sleepless night thinking that they were to part from one who had ^[[always]] treated them so kindly. I may say: I too was sad - filled with emotions that are the truthful representations of ^[[that]] friendship ^[[which one feels]] for most noble Souls.
I done no coaxing. I simply said what I desired of them leaving it to Ebierbing to do as he wanted. I ^[[had]] [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] a happy heart when he finally came down into the Aft Cabin & told me his decision.

Transcription Notes:
edited to add strikethroughs and denote inserts