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1861 July 15 Mon

to E-tu.  At last he broke from his statue like position & rushed into their arms.  Thus E-tu was saved from the death intended him by his inhuman father.
E-tu has had two or three noolianas.  One was drowned by breaking through the thin ice - wind & fog prevented other Innuits saving her.  One was taken away by the mother of the young wife as she concluded she was too young.  E-tu I should think was 25 years of age - Oo-Kood-lear 13.
I will here place in tabular form the Innuits starting off this Morn for the North.

Ugarng, winga
K-ur-ni-u wife No 1
Punnir " [[ditto for: wife]] No 2
Menonn Infant
E-ter-loong Nephew
Oo-Ku-ju-ex-y-ni-noo, Mother
(Johny Bull) Chimenarchu
(Nance) Kok-er-Zhun
(Bob) King-wat-che-ung
(Polly) E-Ken-too-Kong
(Blind George) Pau-loo-yer
(his daughter Koo-Koo-yen
E-tu (the wifeless)

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1861 Mond. July 15

This eve X o'clock after all had retired I was surprised as I sat writing to see Hiram Innuit E-E-u-ar-ping & Capatain, Kuk-en-jub-in's son enter.  Hiram is one of the Native Crew engaged by Capt B.  He handed me a letter for Capt. B. which I delivered at once by going to his room & awaking him.  On his request I proceeded to read it which we soon found was from the hand of Mate Lamb at Budingtonville (Ug bin-seer-o-ping).  I here copy it desiring to [[?treasure]] a record of the difficulties encountered by Capt. B. & his command in pursuing their calling.

"Capt. Budington
Mr Rogers wants you to send him one man & thinks that you better send John Bull (Chimeraecher) to come if he is willing to come.  We saw one Whale close in to the land here.  We arrived here at 9AM Sunday morning.  Bear Sound (Lupton Straits) is full of ice & there is a great deal of ice in this Bay but hope that it will go out soon - & it will then a Norwester that comes.
I got my boat [[?chaf]] a little coming through to get here, but I am now here & shall try my best to get some oil for Mr Rogers says that he has not been out but once since Mr Gardiner left, & then he saw a plenty of feed.  We want some more bread & flour, coffee & molasses if you want us to stay here a great while.  There is no one here but our own gang & the natives that you hired.  They