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This has been another unfit day for whaling.  Still they come one after another as fast as each revolving Sun (?) will let them. It is all right, of course, but then it seems so strange almost a constancy of bad weather.
Wednesday July 17th 1861
AM. 34[[degree symbol]] 28,600 Wind N. strong (Sun out)
M 37[[degree symbol]] 28,575 N.N.E. Gale Cloudy
P.M. 36[[degree symbol]] 28,550 N N E " " [[dittos for: Gale Cloudy]]
This has been another day in wh. no whaling could be done. Wind blowing strong ^[[& a gale]] from N. & N.N.E. all day.
The young man Innuit who found his way up to our Igloo last winter when at Oo-Kood-lear [[strikethrough]] when [[/strikethrough]] ^[[there]] half starved arrived last night. He lives with Annu-arping the Ankoot. Says that Ankoot has killed 3 Rein deer & two Ook-gook since he was here wh. was only a few days ago - [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] ^[[a little previous to]] the time Ugarny arrived from above.
Dinner over, I took a walk over 
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to Whale Island to take a look at the state of the ice ^[[seaward]] expecting to find the gale ^[[of]] to-day sweeping it out. Only a trifle of ice appeared to be leaving. Open water [[strikethrough]] exists [[/strikethrough]]  [[underlined]] there is [[/underlined]] (S.E. extending southerly) some 3 to 4 miles from here yet somehow the ice hangs to-gether. Kood-loo says that he has been down to Look-Out Island & that a swell of the Sea comes up to there. This indicates that the ice will soon be broken & drifted away.
To day the ship was under way! But one fourth of a minute, found all brought up - [[underlined]] rolling. [[/underlined]]  The cable had been freely paid out - the tide water had given us sea (?) room enough for the G.H. to turn around when the gale of to-day took the vessel on its wings wheeled it around & carried it 3 or 4 rods South. Our ^[[(the Ship's)]] position for nearly one year has been nearly due N. & S. It is now end for end.
At VII PM Ebierbing returned from 

Transcription Notes:
edited to denote inserts and add strikethroughs [[Edited to correct eskimo name Mgarny to correct Ugarny (I know the U looks like an M however it is a U confirmed thru historical documents]]