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Budingtonville. He started this morning after breakfast bringing no load except perhaps 50 lbs Walrus tusks. This incident occured on his way down. Dogs saw ahead a seal, & as they always will if they can, flew with all their might, drawing the sledge almost the speedy [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] ^[[as]] a strong wind. The frightened seal kept up [[underlined]] a moment too long to save its - "blubber" [[/underlined]] for just as he plunged, "Smile" was there grabbing seal by the tail and flippers! Seal struggled & so did noble ^[[seal & sledge]] dog "Smile" - a moment sufficed for the other dogs to be lending a "hand, ^[[(?)]] or rather a few sets of ^[[canine]] [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] teeth when seal was dragged out of seal hole in ice & handsomely cut off of all chance of retreat to the aqueous element. Ebirnbing brought home 2 Seals obtained - 1 going down on C[[?]] ^[[ [bache[[guess]] ]]
The letter brought by Ebierbing from Lamb to Capt. B. was as follows:
"Capt Budington
We saw one Whale here Monday, but have ^[[not]] had
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any [[strikethrough]] chance [[/strikethrough]] 
weather to go off. 
The ice is all gone from here now but it is blowing a heavy gale from N.N.E. The sledge arrived at 6 o'clock Tuesday afternoon safe & sound. I send the Walrus Ivory by the sledge.  Captain, I hope & pray that we may get a few whales here yet. We shall stay as long as there are any hopes of getting a whale & we can get any thing to eat for there is no use going home without any thing if a little hard work will get it. Mr. Rogers thinks of sending Sterry to the ship. He is no benefit to us but to help eat up the grub & do nothing.
[This written Wedns. Morn July 17/61 H]
R. Lamb"